
You paying me does not give you the right to abuse me

I'm currently the GM of a company. I took the role thinking it would be a lot of fun to improve the culture and make the business better. However the owners are as toxic as it gets it turns out. Exploding at me over their misunderstanding, yelling at me because they don't understand stuff, being horribly rude to everyone in the office in Management roles, and expecting us to all work overtime for free, while they monitor the clock and if you leave even 5 minutes early they will charge you for it. Yeah, I'm sorry to some of the good people in the company, but I'm not here to be abused. I'm interviewing and more than happy to take a lesser paying job where I'm going to be treated well.

I'm currently the GM of a company. I took the role thinking it would be a lot of fun to improve the culture and make the business better. However the owners are as toxic as it gets it turns out. Exploding at me over their misunderstanding, yelling at me because they don't understand stuff, being horribly rude to everyone in the office in Management roles, and expecting us to all work overtime for free, while they monitor the clock and if you leave even 5 minutes early they will charge you for it.

Yeah, I'm sorry to some of the good people in the company, but I'm not here to be abused. I'm interviewing and more than happy to take a lesser paying job where I'm going to be treated well.

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