For full disclosure, I'm middle class, have been all of my life. So no, I'm not sweating in the sun or toiling in a factory, but I'm not rich either.
You people have no idea how much money the rich, the connected, the business class has, and how little work they do. Millions of dollars is like pennies to them. They just shuffle it around, in the past on paper, but now on the computer screen.
And that's all they do. All freaking day. Shift money around, and make millions and even billions doing it. And going to social events, charities, etc. They never touch anything, they never pick up anything, they never bend over, they never sweat, they never do anything of the sort. They just “make deals” and you work for them, and they get more profit, and society goes deeper into debt.
They just go from their mansions in their luxury cars to the office and back. Some of them with a driver. Many of them have yachts and jets for the weekend or going abroad. All they have to do is shower and put on a suit or dress in the morning. That's literally all they do. And then on to the country club in the afternoon for a round of golf or tennis or polo.
I mean, they don't even have to pretend to act, like celebrities, or pretend to run down the field, like athletes. They just shuffle money around and get paid 5, 10, 50, 100 million plus for doing it.
It's your choice or not whether to believe me. I'm just offering you the truth, the red pill.