
You produce for someone else

Possibly the most egregious form of theft to have developed since the industrial revolution has been the theft of surplus labor value. As a worker, you must produce to survive. In order to produce, you must have access to the means of production. The bourgeoisie own the means of production and charge you a fee to access it. In order for you to pay this fee, you cede a portion of the value that you produce to them. What's the problem? It's that the portion you cede to them is larger than the portion you keep. This is surplus labor value. In capitalist society, the worker must give up the lion's share of their production simply for the right to have the meager remainder. It is legitimized extortion. It is for this reason that you do not work for yourself. You work for someone else. If we agree that the…

Possibly the most egregious form of theft to have developed since the industrial revolution has been the theft of surplus labor value. As a worker, you must produce to survive. In order to produce, you must have access to the means of production. The bourgeoisie own the means of production and charge you a fee to access it. In order for you to pay this fee, you cede a portion of the value that you produce to them. What's the problem? It's that the portion you cede to them is larger than the portion you keep. This is surplus labor value. In capitalist society, the worker must give up the lion's share of their production simply for the right to have the meager remainder. It is legitimized extortion. It is for this reason that you do not work for yourself. You work for someone else. If we agree that the person you work for is the person who benefits the most from your work, you work almost completely for your boss. Statistically, you spend your day making him more money than you do yourself. Capitalists will say that surplus labor value is simply an unfortunate but necessary tax needed for you to make a living. They are wrong. In reality, your life is the unfortunate but necessary tax the bourgeoisie pay so that you can keep producing for them. If it was somehow possible for us to work without needing to live, they'd jump for joy. But alas, people die when they can't afford food, so the bourgeoisie begrudgingly hand you the minimum possible amount of your own production while pocketing the rest. And you go to work the very next day to let them steal from you again and again

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