
You should know many healthcare workers don’t get paid to do documentation, which often requires hours of their own time to complete

Insurance won’t pay for your healthcare provider to document what happens at your appointment. Yet, documentation is everything. It tracks your medical history and progress and the quality (and let’s be real, quantity) of documentation is what insurance uses to decide if they’ll pay for your care at all. Without documentation no one’s care is paid for and the hospital doesn’t get reimbursed either. documentation is everything. It can take hours to complete. And it’s often unpaid labor where the expectation is the clinician will do it on their own time.

Insurance won’t pay for your healthcare provider to document what happens at your appointment. Yet, documentation is everything. It tracks your medical history and progress and the quality (and let’s be real, quantity) of documentation is what insurance uses to decide if they’ll pay for your care at all. Without documentation no one’s care is paid for and the hospital doesn’t get reimbursed either.

documentation is everything.
It can take hours to complete.
And it’s often unpaid labor where the expectation is the clinician will do it on their own time.

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