
You want a raise? You better work twice as much and maybe in the future…

So I applied for a not purely IT job last year, right after I stepped my foot into the company things got pretty interesting, whole IT department quits, new IT manager comes in and hires a guy without previous IT experience nor education. Promises how things will be once it gets settled were made bz the boss. So I work like crazy to make sure everything works while training the newbie in the IT dep., few months in we are still running into things we know nothing of, a key administrator of ERP/retail system quits and since I had the most insight of what is what in that system, there was I again to spend 10+ hours a day to maintain that trainwreck of a company. Few more people got hired for some of our systems, the workflow and stress puts few of us into very bad mental state. Finally…

So I applied for a not purely IT job last year, right after I stepped my foot into the company things got pretty interesting, whole IT department quits, new IT manager comes in and hires a guy without previous IT experience nor education. Promises how things will be once it gets settled were made bz the boss. So I work like crazy to make sure everything works while training the newbie in the IT dep., few months in we are still running into things we know nothing of, a key administrator of ERP/retail system quits and since I had the most insight of what is what in that system, there was I again to spend 10+ hours a day to maintain that trainwreck of a company. Few more people got hired for some of our systems, the workflow and stress puts few of us into very bad mental state. Finally we kind of got hang of it, so naturally after all those stressful overtime months we started working on projects that were behind due to the mish mash of “ungrateful ex employees”, things go in the usual manner, we all works like crazy so the projects don't fail. I basically am the expert on things I was promised that won't be my responsibilities at this point. So I flat out go and ask for a rise, got called out for being negative and always bitching about stuff but am told there will be an interview following, fair enough. Nothing goes by for another few weeks, I go to HR to explain the situation that I want to leave my notice this month (mandatory 2 month notice here), I'm assured that they will talk to my boss.
I was expecting that HR manager and my boss will be present at a meeting, but my boss thought an external relationship-psychologist-something guy will do better. The meeting went like this “Let's not talk about money, let's talk what makes you motivated to work here..”, yeah, we talked about what would make the office more welcoming working environment, the money part went like this “give me something I can present to the owner what would make him to give us the budget” and so I quickly gave them ideas on how to work even more hours, how to make the workplace efficient and promised that I'll no longer be negative. Atm the situation is 3/4 employees of our office are either having new job secured or are looking for new job, the fourth one is a very good friends with our boss and is probably having the best salary. I'm playing role model of an employee, always there to take one for the team, giving 110% to the job, saying those brainwashed lines like “Where else would you like to be rather than the office?” with a punch worthy of a smug face. Still leaving tho.

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