
You want me to utilize more of my skills?

So this fun started several years ago, I was hired at a local big name university in a full time staff member position with the hiring manager knowing I was applying for an incredibly competative academic program at the same university but wouldn't know for at least 6 months if I got in. Well I was fortunate enough to get in and went to the manager to have a conversation about what options I had as financially I knew I needed to work during school. I was told I had two options, in both of them I would have to transition to a position that did not get a tuition discount, which sucked but I knew that part was coming. Option 1: Become a contingent/relief staff member, have the freedom to pick up shifts when I wanted and there was enough need that I could have the hours I needed…

So this fun started several years ago, I was hired at a local big name university in a full time staff member position with the hiring manager knowing I was applying for an incredibly competative academic program at the same university but wouldn't know for at least 6 months if I got in. Well I was fortunate enough to get in and went to the manager to have a conversation about what options I had as financially I knew I needed to work during school. I was told I had two options, in both of them I would have to transition to a position that did not get a tuition discount, which sucked but I knew that part was coming.

Option 1: Become a contingent/relief staff member, have the freedom to pick up shifts when I wanted and there was enough need that I could have the hours I needed financially every week although it wasn't technically guarenteed. In this I would keep my wonderful current pay of $12.40/hr but the university is moving to a $15/hr minimum for staff members in two months.

Option 2: Move to a position that recognized my entry into this program and would allow me to use and continue to develop technical skills that I will need for the rest of my life in my career, some of which I had from previous jobs but was not allowed to do while working in the position at the university, and other more advanced skills that I had not learned yet. Same deal with hours, I could get the same number of hours per week as option 1.

Well option 2 seems like a no brainer right? Except it is a student worker position that would drop me to $8/hr and the $15/hr minimum would not apply since I would not be staff.

I take option 1 because I can't afford to give up the money. Then it gets even more fun, I get told that because I am in a contingent position I am exempt from the $15/hr minimum.

Thankfully my manager actually stood up to HR for me on that one and got them to agree to give me the $15.

A couple months ago I decide to see what industry had to offer while still in school for part time hours, get offered a $21/hr position, tell the university I will still do 1-2 days a week with you as I'm in a contingent position and can pick my shifts, but over the summer I will do full time at the industry position. Get told well we can't match that offer and if you aren't going to do full time over the summer with us we may have to rethink if we want to keep you as a contingent worker and you may have to become a student worker for those 1-2 days a week.

Wish I could say I was supprised but not really.

Oh and this is for working in emergency and critical care veterinary medicine.

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