
You won’t Revolt

More and more of this sub is becoming focussed solely on worker rights (which is great) and less about… Well, Anti work. Improving worker rights is important but isn't the end goal, it wont solve rampant consumerism and climate change. It won't fundamentally change the culture that allowed things to end as they have now. Too many are too comfortable and complacent, many want a pay rise not for equality but so they can buy more useless shit, solely because it makes them Feel good. A 'Fuck you, got mine' attitude that is exactly how the US is in the state it's in today. Not because money is power in this system and we should be trying to get as much back as possible, no, because they want more things. Things they wouldn't want if propaganda, PR and advertising didn't tell them they should. Workers rights is the first step,…

More and more of this sub is becoming focussed solely on worker rights (which is great) and less about… Well, Anti work.

Improving worker rights is important but isn't the end goal, it wont solve rampant consumerism and climate change. It won't fundamentally change the culture that allowed things to end as they have now.

Too many are too comfortable and complacent, many want a pay rise not for equality but so they can buy more useless shit, solely because it makes them Feel good. A 'Fuck you, got mine' attitude that is exactly how the US is in the state it's in today.

Not because money is power in this system and we should be trying to get as much back as possible, no, because they want more things.

Things they wouldn't want if propaganda, PR and advertising didn't tell them they should.

Workers rights is the first step, not partaking in a superfluous consumer culture that feeds this Broken system is the next.

This will remove many unnecessary jobs and transfer value from a number on a tag to its actual merit and contributions. Prices should reflect the cost of manufacturing, not 'YOU DESERVE IT CAUSE YOU'RE SPECIAL AND WORK HARD' Propaganda.

There shouldn't be a demand for mega Yachts cause no one should have that much money to waste.

Please read up on Edward Bernays, or just watch this

Also please check the book 'The Lucky Country' and manufacturing consent.

Consumerism in the US isnt humans natural behaviour, some people sound like fucking addicts trying to defend or justify their gluttonous indulgences while claiming 'down with the System'.

You'll celebrate the lifestyle of Polynesians as the natural and best way for humans to live, but can't imagine not being able to buy useless junk at the same time.

Don't we want 'work' to end? Don't we want a system that isn't reliant on Money? Don't you want to spend your days making and building shit for yourself? Don't you want things value to be based on their ACTUAL value?

Y'know, seize the means?

Would you rather be a big fish in an enclosed, controlled pond or a dolphin in the ocean?

Ya'll aren't going to revolt, nothing will fundamentally change untill it collapses inwards, 5th generation of Rome style.

This sub shouldn't be removing posts cause they're political, that's shooting ourselves in the foot.

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