
Young people are not lazier than previous generations.

I'm so tired of hearing this from everyone 30+. We are not lazy, we simply have no hope for the future. Whereas someone in the past may have had hopes and ambitions of buying a house, building a career, and starting a family (The American Dream), most young people have no upward mobility and prices are increasing 10x faster than pay rates. If we quit a job, it is not because we are lazy. It is because we are tired of being taken advantage of by people who had opportunities and options that we never had.

I'm so tired of hearing this from everyone 30+. We are not lazy, we simply have no hope for the future. Whereas someone in the past may have had hopes and ambitions of buying a house, building a career, and starting a family (The American Dream), most young people have no upward mobility and prices are increasing 10x faster than pay rates. If we quit a job, it is not because we are lazy. It is because we are tired of being taken advantage of by people who had opportunities and options that we never had.

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