
Your generation doesn’t want to own a house they only want to rent!

As suitable housing for everyone is the most needed thing in society. The biggest issue I see is that normies nearly always invest into real estate and look to turn a profit, and the older they get the more likely they are to have more investment properties, which only makes less available for the coming of age generation and single adults who don't have family support. The owner of these properties say they are doing a service, “I'm letting people rent out the house”. From my perspective I am unable to afford my rent in a single bedroom apartment that doesn't even have in-suite laundry, I don't have a Netflix subscription, or eat avocado toast or live off of late espressos and my rent also doesn't include utilities. Meanwhile my parents have several investment properties, in which they split the house to allow rental of both the main floor and…

As suitable housing for everyone is the most needed thing in society. The biggest issue I see is that normies nearly always invest into real estate and look to turn a profit, and the older they get the more likely they are to have more investment properties, which only makes less available for the coming of age generation and single adults who don't have family support. The owner of these properties say they are doing a service, “I'm letting people rent out the house”. From my perspective I am unable to afford my rent in a single bedroom apartment that doesn't even have in-suite laundry, I don't have a Netflix subscription, or eat avocado toast or live off of late espressos and my rent also doesn't include utilities. Meanwhile my parents have several investment properties, in which they split the house to allow rental of both the main floor and basement to separate people to earn profit, when these were suppose to be starter homes, yet they can charge above their mortgage because people need a place to live and they can exploit this need. I asked if I could rent one of their basements and they won't even allow me to do so because they see me as someone who isn't stable, and won't rent it long term or they think I just won't pay. Meanwhile I see my grandparents home from 1992 go from 150,000 to 1,100,000 now in 2022, yet it is the same paint, same electrical, same drywall as it was the day it was built, and no improvements have been made, and then my parents and grandparents have the audacity to just say your generation doesn't want to own houses they all just want to rent, and that if only I worked as hard as they did I could own several houses too.

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