
Your mental health is the most important thing

Browse here occasionally and recently it seems like I am seeing a lot of posts of people being mistreated at work. I’ll keep this as short as possible, I was working a very good job at the time of my divorce about four years ago. So good that my ex was able to be a stay at home mom. During my divorce, my boss would constantly remind me how my performance was not to his standard, no shit Sherlock my life is (was) falling apart. For two years I dealt with being demoralized, threats of losing my job, at one point I tried to bid out and was written up the next day which ultimately meant I couldn’t bid out (talk about being blackballed). I was asked if I ever considered going back to school because I did not have what it took to make it in that field. It…

Browse here occasionally and recently it seems like I am seeing a lot of posts of people being mistreated at work.

I’ll keep this as short as possible, I was working a very good job at the time of my divorce about four years ago. So good that my ex was able to be a stay at home mom. During my divorce, my boss would constantly remind me how my performance was not to his standard, no shit Sherlock my life is (was) falling apart.

For two years I dealt with being demoralized, threats of losing my job, at one point I tried to bid out and was written up the next day which ultimately meant I couldn’t bid out (talk about being blackballed). I was asked if I ever considered going back to school because I did not have what it took to make it in that field. It was so bad that I had contemplated taking my own life quite frequently.

Fast forward, I was suspended and fired during my suspension. That phone call was one of the best days of my life. It felt like a giant weight was immediately lifted off of my shoulders. Since then I have taken a few lower paying jobs but have been much happier at each one of them.

We all have bills to pay and mouths to feed, and the thought of being out of work or taking a lower paying job may not sound like a realistic option. Your mental health is the most important thing to you and everyone around you. If work is dragging you down, it will drag your loved ones down with you.

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