
Your Micro-management is WHY I keep making mistakes – A rant for my boss

When you come into my work area to sternly tell me that goes there and never here when every other fucking employee keeps it here and always has I fucking forget where to put it. Know why? Because you attach negativity to the experience of it and that makes my brain fucking reject it. When you act as though simple customer service activities are a fucking military operation you just look like a goofy idiot and you ruin all the fun. Yes, fun! That thing customers came in here to have? Not to see some jobsworth idiot lend a deathlike intensity to a cheerful customer oriented environment. Go back to your goddamn office and stare at your fucking twitter, you are a cancer otherwise! You're just a buzzkill out here and your “take charge” attitude is disturbing to the customers who believe it or not remain unimpressed by your leadership.…

When you come into my work area to sternly tell me that goes there and never here when every other fucking employee keeps it here and always has I fucking forget where to put it. Know why? Because you attach negativity to the experience of it and that makes my brain fucking reject it. When you act as though simple customer service activities are a fucking military operation you just look like a goofy idiot and you ruin all the fun. Yes, fun! That thing customers came in here to have? Not to see some jobsworth idiot lend a deathlike intensity to a cheerful customer oriented environment.

Go back to your goddamn office and stare at your fucking twitter, you are a cancer otherwise! You're just a buzzkill out here and your “take charge” attitude is disturbing to the customers who believe it or not remain unimpressed by your leadership. When you watch me work I can't fucking breathe or begin to concentrate under the intensity of judgement and observation and I MAKE MISTAKES which you then act like a dick about. YOU intentionally manipulate my fear of poverty to gaslight me into total confusion and incapacitation.

JUST GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE with your shit awful breath! I HAVE MY OWN WAY OF DOING IT BECAUSE YOUR WAY SUCKS!!! You know this is a dick move, you hated your boss for doing it to you now get the fucking hell out of my bodybag before I quit and let you run the whole show. FUCK! Stop doing this to people! If you're a boss and you do this just go eat a giant bag of dicks and drop dead. You totally suck and all the Gods call you “that one”!!!


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