
Your regular fast food manager complaining about their annoying boss.

Just felt like sharing this story from February last year so sorry if it’s not good haha. I worked as a full time manager at sonic starting in 2020. If you had to guess what a sonic manager gets payed would you guess 15/hr? 16? 17? I was getting payed 13.25 an hour. I got a 75 cent raise from my crew lead position as well as a ton more responsibility. It was my first ever job(got promoted as soon as I turned 18) and I didn’t realize that really was basically highway robbery. I was working 45+ hours a week closing 5 nights a week(sometimes more). I never asked to be a closer either she just decided to make me the closer and I just let it happen. My sleep schedule devolved to going to bed at 6 am and waking up at 3 pm for my 4 o…

Just felt like sharing this story from February last year so sorry if it’s not good haha.

I worked as a full time manager at sonic starting in 2020. If you had to guess what a sonic manager gets payed would you guess 15/hr? 16? 17? I was getting payed 13.25 an hour. I got a 75 cent raise from my crew lead position as well as a ton more responsibility. It was my first ever job(got promoted as soon as I turned 18) and I didn’t realize that really was basically highway robbery.

I was working 45+ hours a week closing 5 nights a week(sometimes more). I never asked to be a closer either she just decided to make me the closer and I just let it happen. My sleep schedule devolved to going to bed at 6 am and waking up at 3 pm for my 4 o clock start time. I wasn’t able to play games with my friends and I rarely saw my family.

Covid was going on since I was promoted but towards the end of 2020 a lot of other managers were getting Covid but I never got it. I worked 8 closes in a row twice a month almost until I quit in February 2021. What did I get for this other then more hours? Nothing. Nada. My boss just said sometimes you gotta do stuff and brushed it off as I get my one day off and do it again.

Then the incident happens. It’s a Saturday and it’s been really. Really. Really slow. So slow that I’ve sent almost all my crew home to help with labor numbers(daytime managers would always leave me really bad numbers). I worked the hardest I’ve ever worked my whole life that night. It got so busy that I called in my usual kitchen closer(god bless you Lucas) on his day off to come in and help catch up the store. We left at 1:45am. We close at midnight.

The next day I come in to do it all over again and my boss has the audacity to talk shit about my numbers and the quality of my close. At that point I’d had it I told her right then and there I was putting in my two weeks.

I was really excited to find a new job and not be working in that hell hole anymore but my boss had one more 8 closes in a row for me. I was scheduled to close from Friday till next Friday had Saturday off then on Sunday… an opening shift.

In hindsight I wish I just didn’t show up to any of those shifts. There is nothing they could have done they would’ve been fucked.

Anyways thanks for reading this all the way hopefully I didn’t write it like a 2 year old!

TLDR: boss gets mad at me for hardest shift of my life so I put in two weeks

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