
Your typical “overworked and underpaid” story: My fiance’s story told by me :3

My (M26) fiance (F24) works as a staff accountant at a marketing firm that handles political (Republican) campaigns. She makes 51k a year (which she had to negotiate hard for) and an alleged 10% bonus. I told her avoid that organization like the plague, but here we are lol. She doesn't like the culture, the expected hours, being overworked and consistently understaffed, and micromanaged and nitpicked to death. One illustration of the manager, so you get a sense: The manager hopped in the ass of the lead accountant for things not being done (the lead is a single mother who consistently works 60 hours a week, doing her best, and still behind). The manager said she was going to pick up some tasks to make sure they actually get done. After 2 days the manager had those jobs fucked all the way up and handed it back to the lead…

My (M26) fiance (F24) works as a staff accountant at a marketing firm that handles political (Republican) campaigns. She makes 51k a year (which she had to negotiate hard for) and an alleged 10% bonus.

I told her avoid that organization like the plague, but here we are lol. She doesn't like the culture, the expected hours, being overworked and consistently understaffed, and micromanaged and nitpicked to death. One illustration of the manager, so you get a sense: The manager hopped in the ass of the lead accountant for things not being done (the lead is a single mother who consistently works 60 hours a week, doing her best, and still behind). The manager said she was going to pick up some tasks to make sure they actually get done. After 2 days the manager had those jobs fucked all the way up and handed it back to the lead accountant in a WORSE state than when she first picked it up; meaning more work.

My fiance has a master's. She is getting close to getting great offers and splitting. I haven't issue an I-told-you-so, but I sniffed out that this place was going to be dog shit.

The job had advertised/promised:

  1. “Even though it is a Republican firm, all opinions are welcome and you won't be pressured to disclose your views. Just do your job and people will leave you alone and not make it over political”… Laugh out loud, rolling on the floor shitting my pants laughing, they absolutely crammed it down her throat (the wave of mysoginistic and dismissive comments from her coworkers amidst the supreme court Roe v Wade debacle ALMOST had me so mad that I walked into the office and beat unmitigated ass.)
  2. “You get to work remote from home on fridays”… they lied and she has been in office basically full time.
  3. “Opportunity to grow and learn and promote”… No one has been promoted there really. They add responsibilities to people's plate and give them little to no pay raise. One accountant also does all of payroll AND ALL HR DUTIES for the entire company and it's 3 subsidiaries…. makes under 60k a year. fucking gag me. My fiance hasn't expanded her skills like they promised because she does grunt work/busy work/putting out fires because they are so understaffed so she is not learning anything new or promoting.
  4. “We are looking to hire you and someone else full-time too”… 9 months later they brought on one fucken intern. They aren't hiring another person to help with work load.
  5. “Busy season is July-Nov. Be prepared to not take a lot of PTO here and on occasion work extra hours to meet deadlines”… She has been griped at/pressured to working weekends, staying late, coming in early since March.

One added nugget: there was a full-time employee that got married about 3 months after my fiance started working there. That girl moved with her new husband to Austin. About a month ago, my fiance found out that the girl that left STILL consults with the company PART-TIME. They pay this part-timer $4000 a month. Same as my lady for full time work. When you add all the broken promises, republican cock-suckers accosting her for not joining the political circle jerk and making her cry, her crummy salary, increasing hours, and allll this extra bullshittery….. you get a standard issue r/antiwork tale.

I have told her to show up the day after she pens an offer at her new job, hand her stuff in, and go to the new company and start making better money right away. I am about 90% of the way to convincing her to do it too.

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