
Your value means nothing to your boss.

At an old job I took on a project that if done by an outside supplier would have cost $10k in consulting to deliver a $70k project that would bloat another $20k on overruns. I did it in house for a hair over $60 for what they were already paying me. Then they denied me a dollar raise and did a handful of awful but deniable things to get me to quit. So I did, and blabbed about it to anyone who would listen. Funny how they haven't been able to hire anyone competent for the position for years and keep cycling people through. Oh yeah, this was a mega church. Nice. I changed industries and work for capitalists now but at least ones that value me enough to give me a buck when I ask for it. Although the first time my new boss balked at it I said,…

At an old job I took on a project that if done by an outside supplier would have cost $10k in consulting to deliver a $70k project that would bloat another $20k on overruns. I did it in house for a hair over $60 for what they were already paying me. Then they denied me a dollar raise and did a handful of awful but deniable things to get me to quit. So I did, and blabbed about it to anyone who would listen. Funny how they haven't been able to hire anyone competent for the position for years and keep cycling people through. Oh yeah, this was a mega church. Nice.

I changed industries and work for capitalists now but at least ones that value me enough to give me a buck when I ask for it. Although the first time my new boss balked at it I said, “If your business is doing so poorly that you can't afford another 40 bucks a week should I be looking to move on?” His eyes got real big and we haven't had an issue negotiating since.

You are worth it. Your skills are worth it. Make these pigs pay you!

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