
You’re not special

EDIT: SATIRE I hate this new generation of “adults,” and I use that term lightly. Honestly, I’m so ashamed to be a part of this sad excuse of a generation. They all think that they’re so special—that they’re so unique. Well, you’re not. The world isn’t going to bend over backwards for you. The world doesn’t care about how many degrees you have. The world isn’t your lesbian caramel mocha frappe from Starbucks. I swear. People don’t know the value of hard work and Christian values! I work over 80 hours a week because you have to GRIND to make money in this country! I work 80 hours not because it’s fun; I do it because that’s what success requires. I work so much I can pay $1000 a month for that $130,000 dollar truck. I work so much so I can buy my wife that diamond ring. I work…


I hate this new generation of “adults,” and I use that term lightly. Honestly, I’m so ashamed to be a part of this sad excuse of a generation.

They all think that they’re so special—that they’re so unique.

Well, you’re not.

The world isn’t going to bend over backwards for you. The world doesn’t care about how many degrees you have. The world isn’t your lesbian caramel mocha frappe from Starbucks.

I swear. People don’t know the value of hard work and Christian values! I work over 80 hours a week because you have to GRIND to make money in this country! I work 80 hours not because it’s fun; I do it because that’s what success requires.

I work so much I can pay $1000 a month for that $130,000 dollar truck. I work so much so I can buy my wife that diamond ring. I work so much so I can have little emotional intelligence and cause trauma to my future wife and kids. That’s what grinding is all about!

So while you “Millennials” and “Zoomers” protest with those alphabet people, I’ll be at work. Working. Grinding. Grinding for that truck, working for that house, paying for that ring, and sitting back and laughing at all you whiny liberals.

The grind never stops!

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