
YSK: Half the country is taking a day off in the US, and days off don’t have to be announced. Just don’t work.

I wrote this post hungover and in bed. Today there are a significant number of people who are doing jack shit on the clock. Why? They took away our bodily autonomy. It is now illegal to have an abortion in nearly half of the states in the US. You don't have to make a big deal of it. You can do fuckall and not tell anyone. The chances you're going to get in trouble are basically nil if you are a decent worker. My advice: Do nothing. Stay in bed. Let the world grind to a halt. Nothing will happen to you.

I wrote this post hungover and in bed.

Today there are a significant number of people who are doing jack shit on the clock.


They took away our bodily autonomy. It is now illegal to have an abortion in nearly half of the states in the US.

You don't have to make a big deal of it. You can do fuckall and not tell anyone. The chances you're going to get in trouble are basically nil if you are a decent worker.

My advice: Do nothing. Stay in bed. Let the world grind to a halt. Nothing will happen to you.

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