
Yup, fuck me for thinking I would be appreciated.

I was soo excited! Free coffee “in appreciation for all of our hard work during this difficult time” (furlows, constantly changing and nonsense policies, short staffed and getting shorter). Checked that the e-mail was from our web address I work publically and so I dont make a lot but I want to work for the people even if I have to be more frugal (dont buy coffee out for example) So, to get a rare treat like this felt really nice, I need the caffeine too, so I clicked. A picture of a cat in a cone hat popped up and said “you shouldn't have clicked on this! This was unsafe – bullshitters” then a moment later I get another email. This time to say that my supervisor had been notified of my mistake and that I had to now do remedial training. Yup, fuck me, I never ever…

I was soo excited! Free coffee “in appreciation for all of our hard work during this difficult time” (furlows, constantly changing and nonsense policies, short staffed and getting shorter). Checked that the e-mail was from our web address I work publically and so I dont make a lot but I want to work for the people even if I have to be more frugal (dont buy coffee out for example) So, to get a rare treat like this felt really nice, I need the caffeine too, so I clicked.

A picture of a cat in a cone hat popped up and said “you shouldn't have clicked on this! This was unsafe – bullshitters” then a moment later I get another email. This time to say that my supervisor had been notified of my mistake and that I had to now do remedial training.

Yup, fuck me, I never ever should have thought that I would be appreciated for my work dispite being underpaid. I could be making 3x privately, this is not the only issue and it makes me want to leave. Fuck practices like this, fuck them. I am going to get a fancy large coffee today, sit at my desk, and not lift a finger till I sip the last drop.

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