Hey, so any advise here now obviously I don’t want to work. But, with no savings I kind of have no choice.
Anyway, I work for a care agency caring for disabled people in the UK and I got quite ill at the end of July/start of august and took a few weeks off and explained to them that I wouldn’t take shifts for a little bit. After that I took an open shift off their system which they didn’t really want me to do but let me anyway, and I had asked for other shifts with no such luck. I was offered one 24 hour shift but, because of my health I said I couldn’t do that. The person I would’ve needed to care for is very high maintenance and at night screams the whole time so I’d have not gotten any sleep either (I struggle with that anyway). Regardless I text and call them daily asking for shift and they just say yeah we will look and never get back to me. To the point I can’t pay the rent or any of my bills and my partner is trying to get a new job as self employment isn’t working for him either and has a trial this week. However, I don’t want to sit in the house and see my money drop down and do nothing.
I feel like they’re discriminating against me because of my mental health struggles and I have been very clear about it and communicated. But, I’ve always had positive comments from managers I’ve worked with so I am confused. I want to complain and I don’t really know what if any rights I might have or even if there’s anything I can even do.
I am looking at anything, but I feel like a failure because I have two degrees and I want to use them and am applying for roles with the use of those. But, knowing these can take months even after being offered a job I am still very stuck. I don’t know if this is the right place but I wanna stick it to these people and find some ways of making money.