
Zero tolerance for harassment my ass

So this will probably be more like a venting session, I think it fits this subreddit but let me know if im wrong. Basically, I'm tired. I'm tired of being harassed by customers and coworkers every single day at my job. For context, I work in a small town with a population of less than 2,000 but it feels smaller than that. Its small enough that most people know each other. Also, most people here are far right leaning, racist, sexist, homophobic, zenophobic, you name it. The store I work at is considered a 'home, farm, and outdoor store' and we sell a range of stuff like clothes, pet food, farm and ranch supplies, guns, fishing poles, etc. Because of this I would say that about 80-90% of customers I check out are older white men. I get hit on by these men on a daily basis even though they…

So this will probably be more like a venting session, I think it fits this subreddit but let me know if im wrong. Basically, I'm tired. I'm tired of being harassed by customers and coworkers every single day at my job. For context, I work in a small town with a population of less than 2,000 but it feels smaller than that. Its small enough that most people know each other. Also, most people here are far right leaning, racist, sexist, homophobic, zenophobic, you name it. The store I work at is considered a 'home, farm, and outdoor store' and we sell a range of stuff like clothes, pet food, farm and ranch supplies, guns, fishing poles, etc. Because of this I would say that about 80-90% of customers I check out are older white men. I get hit on by these men on a daily basis even though they are almost always 2 to 3 times my age at the very least. I find it absolutely vile and I get anxious every time a man opens his mouth to speak to me. This harassment ranges from them calling me pretty or cute to asking for my number (and not taking no for an answer), I also have had guys make comments about looking at my ass, and even ask where I live. I have many many stories I could go in depth on, but ill get into the more antiwork part which involves my coworker. He fits the demographic I previously described. He's old, white, and creepy as hell. He frequently follows women around the store whether it be customers or my coworkers. He has also been written up for sexual harassment at least three times, which should be enough for him to get fired. These harassment write ups are for making two of my coworkers very uncomfortable by watching them and making comments, and the other is because I and another coworker literally watched him taking pictures of my coworkers ass. The chain I work for claims to have a zero tolerance policy for any type of workplace harassment, but clearly that is far from the case, and it gets worse. He spends the majority of his time on the computer in his department (which he doesn't work at all to manage btw) looking up inappropriate things. The servers literally block porn sites but he finds a way to look up the closest thing to it. His search history includes photos of nude beaches, and other infuriating things like whether or not women can climax on their period and if tampons can cause orgasms, I shit you not. He has been reported for this multiple times. We have gone to our manager, corporate, and hr. Nothing has been done whatsoever, and he's not even a good worker! I don't know what to do and I feel so helpless about this. If anyone has advice I would greatly appreciate it, thanks for reading.

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