

That's what a year of busting my ass in a new role got me. I came into this job with little to no knowledge of the job other than a strong background in related areas. I have spent the last year learning everything I can, and I sacrificed personal time to “get up to speed”. I can hold my own with people that have been here for 20 years. They are making 1.5 times what I am making. I get there is longevity taken into consideration but…$1/hr is what that effort amounted to. Sorry but I won't be here for the long run. I wonder if/what they will say when I take these new skills to a place that will pay me what I am worth? One fucking dollar.

That's what a year of busting my ass in a new role got me. I came into this job with little to no knowledge of the job other than a strong background in related areas. I have spent the last year learning everything I can, and I sacrificed personal time to “get up to speed”. I can hold my own with people that have been here for 20 years. They are making 1.5 times what I am making. I get there is longevity taken into consideration but…$1/hr is what that effort amounted to. Sorry but I won't be here for the long run. I wonder if/what they will say when I take these new skills to a place that will pay me what I am worth? One fucking dollar.

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