
1 hour email response time or “reported to HR” – gut check

Background – I work at a small nonprofit. The CEO wants to institute a policy requiring all employees to respond to emails (“all emails” but the real point here is “his emails”) sent during normal working hours within an hour of the time they were sent or it’s a reportable-to-HR-incident. I need a gut check. This is insanity, correct? Or is this a normal expectation outside the non profit world?

Background – I work at a small nonprofit.

The CEO wants to institute a policy requiring all employees to respond to emails (“all emails” but the real point here is “his emails”) sent during normal working hours within an hour of the time they were sent or it’s a reportable-to-HR-incident.

I need a gut check. This is insanity, correct? Or is this a normal expectation outside the non profit world?

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