
12 years Walmart

Yeah, my fault for working there so long. 3 different stores officially, helped 10 different stores in my time. But the pay was good, I felt respected, etc. Until I tore my ACL and wasn’t good for them anymore. Suddenly all the atta boys and good jobs were forgotten; I took 13 weeks to be cleared to come back, and lost my management role. Got forced into 2-11 as a door greeter. Temporary okay… I did that for 6 long months. The pay cut I took, after trying to back pay rent from when I was out for surgery, I couldn’t make the rent anymore so I found a cheaper town to live in. Transferred stores again. This store was great for a week, everyone was impressed how much I could get done. (Like it’s a surprise someone who was a manager for ten years at a 180million dollar store…

Yeah, my fault for working there so long. 3 different stores officially, helped 10 different stores in my time. But the pay was good, I felt respected, etc.

Until I tore my ACL and wasn’t good for them anymore. Suddenly all the atta boys and good jobs were forgotten; I took 13 weeks to be cleared to come back, and lost my management role. Got forced into 2-11 as a door greeter. Temporary okay…

I did that for 6 long months. The pay cut I took, after trying to back pay rent from when I was out for surgery, I couldn’t make the rent anymore so I found a cheaper town to live in. Transferred stores again. This store was great for a week, everyone was impressed how much I could get done. (Like it’s a surprise someone who was a manager for ten years at a 180million dollar store could do good work in a 50million store..)

I got a girl pregnant, and had to drive 2hrs one way (as the pregnancy began when we still lived in the place I had to move from) for dr appts. My store manager said “I don’t believe you drive two hrs I need proof”…then wasn’t at work for a month even if I could give proof (like what my gas receipts??) I told her after the baby was born, I’d like to get off 2-11, and was told we would see…
I went on paternity leave, and returned to work to find my availability was changed. I confronted mgmt and told them my availability was set for a reason; if I had to work Friday nights to keep full time, I’d have to drop to part time. I was told “we don’t do ultimatums “. I rolled my eyes, got it fixed by a different manager.

Since returning from leave, I’ve seen 8 new people get hired as full time and get off work way before 11pm. I’ve seen 5 people turn in two week notices and not work them out. I’ve seen 3 folks just up and leave.
I tried again and was told no I had to stay 2-11 to keep full time.

I found a job an hr away paying what I used to make as department manager, off every other weekend and off every night by 9pm at the latest, most nights 8.
I turned in my two week notice, was told “thanks”… the lack of compassion sealed my decision; I then called out the next day to take drug test for my new job, and realized I don’t care enough to finish out my two weeks. 12 years, 3 stores, 10.5 as mgmt, and it’s not an anti work attitude I have but more of a “I deserve respect”.

One day I hope companies(hell stores like this last one need to before they fail…town of 3k people isn’t unlimited source of employees lol) realize why people are leaving them.

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