
18 jobs applied for in the last 2 weeks

I love hearing the bullshit about “nobody wants to work anymore” I’ve applied for more than 25 jobs in 2 weeks (some are on other sites), and gotten absolutely nothing. I’ve tried calling back, emails, physically showing up to talk to HR, and not a damn thing to show for it. I can’t go through temp agencies because every single one in my city has no positions available, which makes sense, it’s the middle of summer and all the graduates that are looking for jobs, but goddamn this is fucking ridiculous

I love hearing the bullshit about “nobody wants to work anymore” I’ve applied for more than 25 jobs in 2 weeks (some are on other sites), and gotten absolutely nothing. I’ve tried calling back, emails, physically showing up to talk to HR, and not a damn thing to show for it. I can’t go through temp agencies because every single one in my city has no positions available, which makes sense, it’s the middle of summer and all the graduates that are looking for jobs, but goddamn this is fucking ridiculous

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18 jobs applied for in the last 2 weeks

I love hearing the bullshit about “nobody wants to work anymore” I’ve applied for more than 25 jobs in 2 weeks (some are on other sites), and gotten absolutely nothing. I’ve tried calling back, emails, physically showing up to talk to HR, and not a damn thing to show for it. I can’t go through temp agencies because every single one in my city has no positions available, which makes sense, it’s the middle of summer and all the graduates that are looking for jobs, but goddamn this is fucking ridiculous

I love hearing the bullshit about “nobody wants to work anymore” I’ve applied for more than 25 jobs in 2 weeks (some are on other sites), and gotten absolutely nothing. I’ve tried calling back, emails, physically showing up to talk to HR, and not a damn thing to show for it. I can’t go through temp agencies because every single one in my city has no positions available, which makes sense, it’s the middle of summer and all the graduates that are looking for jobs, but goddamn this is fucking ridiculous

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