
2 in 1 Funny Story

So this starts at my old job that I was at for 8+ years. It was a car wash company and I had worked my way up from Wash Attendant to GM in about 2.5 years. After 6 years, I was asked to run our busiest location, which was a no brained because that meant a much bigger monthly bonus to do essentially the same thing. This new location wasn’t properly maintained so it needed work including re-epoxying the tunnel floor, replacing the extrutech wall paneling in the tunnel, and just general repair and upkeep. I was told they were going to do both of the first things within a year. Fast forward to 6 months of me being at this new locations and my wife and I had planned a trip to Disney with a bunch of friends because the stay was free due to one of them having…

So this starts at my old job that I was at for 8+ years. It was a car wash company and I had worked my way up from Wash Attendant to GM in about 2.5 years. After 6 years, I was asked to run our busiest location, which was a no brained because that meant a much bigger monthly bonus to do essentially the same thing.

This new location wasn’t properly maintained so it needed work including re-epoxying the tunnel floor, replacing the extrutech wall paneling in the tunnel, and just general repair and upkeep. I was told they were going to do both of the first things within a year.

Fast forward to 6 months of me being at this new locations and my wife and I had planned a trip to Disney with a bunch of friends because the stay was free due to one of them having a timeshare. The company used a desktop app called Basecamp to log any Incident Reports, Needed Maintenance, Time-Off Logs, etc.

I posted that I would be gone for 5 days (using 5 of my 10 vacation days) that stemmed from F-Tu. I also tagged my direct report, Director of Operations, and both owners just so they’d be aware, as well as send out a mass email to all management so they’d be prepared if an emergency situation arose.

When I returned to work on Wednesday, my direct report came by and asked “So did you not tell anyone you were going a trip because you knew it would be denied?”

So naturally, I explained how I did everything in the correct manner of which I was told to, and that it wasn’t my fault he doesn’t check his notifications or email. Also, I mentioned that they can’t legally deny my PTO request when I’ve earned it, especially due to me giving a 2 month notice about it. Anyway, he brushed it off because (I’m assuming) he knew he was wrong.

Cut to about 5 months later and my wife and I are attempting to start a family, which would require me to earn a higher salary because I can’t really purchase or finance anything on a “bigger bonus.” I sat down with my direct report over lunch and laid out all of the stuff I’ve improved including increasing revenue by an average of 24.4975% ($23,381.52) per month. I asked for a measly $500 more per month.

His response: “But your tunnel walls and floor are filthy.”

Now keep in mind, I knew what was promised when I took the new position, so all I said was “Okay” then shook his hand and left the meal.

I created a LinkedIn the next Sunday, and Monday I received a message from my new boss asking if I’d be interested in discussing a potential car wash position.

A month later, I’m now the Director of Operations of a brand new car wash company that is treating its employees and the community right, as well as helping the environment by using all eco-friendly chemicals and reclaiming the water we use.

My salary has literally tripled what I was making at the first job in less than two years, and I’m getting the treatment I’ve deserved this whole time. Also, my wife and I now have a beautiful 6 month old baby girl. ️

If you’re being mistreated at your current workplace, just know that there are better ones out there!

TLDR: My old boss sucked and didn’t see value in me, so I did something about it and am now the boss that I wished I had.

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