
2 months off work and I have never felt better.

I've got 20 bucks and multiple interviews but, I want to skip all of them. I can't motivate myself to go to these interviews for jobs I don't want. Since I've been unemployed I've had the energy to exercise and take care of myself. I enjoy my life. I've been on and off meds and seeing a psychiatrist for 15 years and none of that has helped as much as being unemployed. I don't need fancy stuff or expensive vacations. I need freedom from this shitty oppressive system.

I've got 20 bucks and multiple interviews but, I want to skip all of them. I can't motivate myself to go to these interviews for jobs I don't want. Since I've been unemployed I've had the energy to exercise and take care of myself. I enjoy my life. I've been on and off meds and seeing a psychiatrist for 15 years and none of that has helped as much as being unemployed. I don't need fancy stuff or expensive vacations. I need freedom from this shitty oppressive system.

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