
20+ years of experience and an un-just demotion later, my father finally got a transfer!

Hi! First post and hopefully last post on this subreddit. I'll just clarify that I won't be disclosing my dads workplace or details as I don't want this post to surface anywhere it shouldn't, but I'll tell you, it's a very very important job. Also, just to clarify, we're living in America : ) My father (49M) has worked in his industry for just over 20 years and is one of the most experienced workers in not just his workplace, but probably the entire state. His job includes helping organise people from across the country and overseas when they come to the company. This allows him to meet many other companies and people as they come and go through out the months. He does his work well, knows how to care for and lead a team, and makes sure things get done right. It can be hard labour-intensive work that…

Hi! First post and hopefully last post on this subreddit. I'll just clarify that I won't be disclosing my dads workplace or details as I don't want this post to surface anywhere it shouldn't, but I'll tell you, it's a very very important job.

Also, just to clarify, we're living in America : )

My father (49M) has worked in his industry for just over 20 years and is one of the most experienced workers in not just his workplace, but probably the entire state. His job includes helping organise people from across the country and overseas when they come to the company. This allows him to meet many other companies and people as they come and go through out the months. He does his work well, knows how to care for and lead a team, and makes sure things get done right. It can be hard labour-intensive work that takes a toll on the body. My father cares for his teams and is aware of his coworkers needs. He's been the first to respond to a co-worker passing out, treated employees on the spectrum with dignity and respect, and values people's time and effort. Because of this, He's well respected by most people he meets and is known to be reliable in tough or distressing times.

During Covid, many employees were let go due to less available work, or refusal to get vaccinated. This increased the workload for everybody once things started picking up again, which meant new employees would need to be trained. My father fought tooth and nail to get the promotion he deserved, and he eventually did get it. This meant he was finally getting paid for the training and responsibilities he was doing.

Unfortunately, there is always one bad egg in a workplace (We'll refer to them as Egg). Egg was a step up the ladder, with a raging god-complex and horrible temper. They would complain about anything and everything under the sun. My father learned call this person to get approval on things before he did them, so that if it was wrong, they couldn't throw him under the bus. Egg would talk down to people, look for any excuse to yell at someone, or try to report them to the CEO. During the past year, my father was tasked to train someone (let's call them omelette). Omelette became good buds with Egg and they soon became a rude duo. One day, omelette made quite a large mistake, and when they rang my father for help and my father told her that the instructions were in the guide and you just need to follow them, she didn't listen. He wasn't working that day, and wasn't prepared to come in and do the work for them after training them for a year. When this mistake came to the surface, my father was pinned with the blame and got demoted and thus lost his seniorship.

After a career of work injuries, toxicity, abuse, and backstabbing, this was the final straw to break the camels back.

After running into some old colleagues who had an internal transfer years ago, they introduced him to their boss who recognised my father based on his reputation. They told him there were leadership positions open currently, and so my father went home and applied immediately. Behold, after flying through the interview, the transfer has commenced. The side of the company he's transferring from is now left with no one with max 5+ years experience, or knows how to read instructions correctly as people refuse to learn. In the next few months, that place is not going to be doing so hot.

He'll get better pay, a better work environment, much less manual labour, and teaching people about work he loves. We couldn't be happier or more proud of him.

TL;DR: Dad got thrown under the bus, applied to transfer, got transferred, no one left to do the work.

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