
Sign at my Local Tim Horton’s this morning. This place has a line around the building every single morning.


“No one wants to work” Gee I wonder why


Dangerous vocabulary for the job seeker

As a job applicant, I feel discouraged. I have made thoughtful, ambitious moves as a professional and have little to show for it. I know we all over-value our own journey professionally, but truly feel that I have eaten enough humble-pie to at least garner an interview for some of the jobs I've applied for. The application processes I have been involved with lately have made me feel extremely humble, a bit challenged, but ultimately angry. I've invested hours and hours of my life for my efforts to be completely thwarted by bots, barely reviewed by an HR rep, and potentially acknowledged (very briefly) by an actual expert/hiring manager/competent/expert person. This leads me into my first hurtful word. Potential. You have it. We have it. We are all taught to strive to achieve it fully. That is a harmful concept. “Potential” will crush you as a job applicant. Your brain…


Today is Employee Appreciation Day!

Does everyone feel appreciated?


How long after starting a job can you leave?

Just started a role where the pay isn't great and the work kinda sucks, but pretty prestigious company. Should I wait 6 months before leaving or can I leave earlier? And will it look good/bad on my resume?




put in my two weeks last night

i work as a teller at a popular west coast bank. i started in november and ever since then the place has had numerous problems. i wanted to stay for 6 months but i could only make it to 5 after last night. the last week we were actually short staffed, not their fault, but also the place has horrible retainment anyway. the longest someone stayed was one year. this time one person moved, the other needed surgery, and one got covid all at the same time. there were 3 tellers plus my AM left since my manager wasn’t there. i had already told them i need part time hours (my contract hours) MANY times and they always tried to talk circles around it, and would often call me everyday asking me to come in early or come in on my day off when i finally got one. the last…


Employer implementing random drug testing

My current employer has announced that they are going to start random drug testing. I hate some things about this country. My thoughts are to find a job that doesn’t random. I know how to cheat the tests but I’m nervous about getting caught. I have no problem getting busted on a pre employment test but would hate to get fired for some bull shit. Any advice or thoughts?


Application riddled with red flags, have a look! Repost: Failed to ommit personal details, fixed that.


Job Interview red flags? The company doesn’t have great reviews from customers online and that makes me wary. What other red flags should I consider at my interview?