
Someone suggested a Fuck room at work to be built from “We Crashed” series. The management approved the request and will be making one of the empty room available next year! What comes to your mind when you hear your huge working office has a room called “Fuck room” for the purpose of its name?

Fuck room is a room in the office where employees practice sexual activities with their colleagues. the activity has to be consensual between the two or threesome employees. the room can be booked throughout the working days similar to booking a meeting room. the idea was inspired from the series on Apple Tv+ “We crashed” to make employees feel home so they can work at the office


Trans hiring question

Hey, so I'm trans yet present as my AGAB. Should I tell them I'm trans when they interview me, wait until after I get (hopefully) hired, or just don't tell them?


Are we hyper exaggerating the amount of bad employers/companies/jobs?

I fully understand that MANY employers/companies/jobs are absolutely shit and cannot be justified at all, some jobs shouldnt even exist. But I also worry about the risk of hype exaggerating the frequency and scope of these shitty conditions since we can easily fall into that rabbit hole at /r/antiwork. It makes you feel like most of them are shit without realizing that sub like this is only collecting the experiences of the bad ones and not representative of the whole “work” market/culture of your region. It could give a person deep depression and maybe even stop trying. What do you think?


Jobs promise 40+ hours but never fall through

I've been looking for a job in my industry with better hours. I've gone to interviews the past week where they offer me great pay and say they have all year round work with 40+ hours available, but by the end of the interview they say ” I mean we do get slower around this time so you should expect 30 to 40 hours a week.” Again the pay is great but I need to work Monday through Friday and would love to work some Saturdays for overtime.. why do these shill company's not keep their promises. I already come home from work eat, play with my son and put him to bed and then I go clean a gym for 3 hours for a second job.. anyone else have this issue?


Walk in interviews

I've been in the ohio job market for a bit now and am seeing that the childrens hospital is having a walk in interview for some positions. I've never really been or heard of these. My question is, is it a scam? Is it a way to say they interviewed or saw many candidates? It feels more inefficient than just screening through the online portal. Does anyone have any experiences with these? Thanks


Which union?

Things have reached a boiling point at my workplace. The powers that be have announced wage changes that really screw our best workers. I'm not affected (yet), but why should my fellow workers get the shaft. I told them I would look into what it takes to organize. My question is which union do I approach? We receive insurance claim paperwork and scan it for processing. We don't make decisions, just open envelopes and scan the contents. So, Teamsters isn't appropriate. UFCW? I know I'll be in for a fight because they already have someone here talking about how much money they spend on coffee. ($17k a year they say) I and my coworkers are done eating the pillow for these people. I'll be able to answer questions in a little while. I'm on lunch, but I wanted to get started with research and whatnot. Thank you for all your…


It’s about to happen…


Do unpaid internships show up on background checks?

Long story short, I became desperate to find work since it wasn’t working out and I ended up lying on my resume about a position. The company I just got an offer from is doing background checks through Goodhire, does anyone know if I can just say that the internship didn’t show up since it was unpaid and then give a (legitimate) reference from the company?


Compensation tied to Google reviews?

I have a friend that works at a car dealership and he has to have a certain number of customers post favorable reviews each month or he is docked 2,000 from his paycheck. Is that legal? It just seems like it couldn't be legal to tie someone's compensation to something completely beyond their control.


Essay about unions/collective bargaining

Hi! I am a political science major and am writing a 20 page research paper on unions and collective bargaining. I know this is anti work but i figure people have things to say relating to unions within this sub. I wanted some first hand accounts from people involved in unions and how it’s helped/hindered/impacted your work life. Any and all experiences and opinions help. Let me know in the comments. Thanks