
Nightmare first job tried to keep my resignation a secret

This was years ago but I still think about it sometimes. I got my first full-time career position at a tech company right out of school. When I told the recruiter that I had another offer he said he didn't believe me, low-balled my salary, and then at several points told me “you're lucky you're getting an offer from us” and “remember you're replaceable” when I tried to negotiate. Although that was a huge red flag, I took the position anyway because it was my dream job. How naive I was. The actual job was fun, but the team dynamics were all over the place. I didn't have a manager because the last one quit before I started and they simply didn't replace him. I ended up working with a designer who regularly stole my ideas and presented them as his own. Women were generally excluded from company travel and…


Dose anyone else think about dropping out of society?

So I'm kinda stuck in a rural midwestern town for family reasons.Theres nothing in my normal feild here.So I'm relying heavily on past exsperience and transferable skills. I went for an interview today.It was an basicly a heavy equipment matinence job.I've worked on large motors in the past.In various applications.Even have a 10 year old certification I got to work on tractor trailers.However not this very specific heavy equipment attachment found in this industry. At the end of the interview I was told.I don't have the exact exsperience they wanted.Which I would garentee only 5 people in the county do.Three already work there and 2 are retired. So they offered me $11.50 an hr. To put it in perspective taco bell is starting at $13. That is the same thing I've been dealing with job hunting.”You don't have the experience we want.”Even though I know I can do the job…and…


heard my manager talk mad shit about a mysterious employee who has been sending customers to the service desk

That employee was me WHATS THE MATTER!? Don't like doing the lower work? How does it feel? Yesss yessss Feel the pain, my suffering


I learned at 19 years old that being a Productive Worker gets you punished.

I'm 19 years old, and because of this sub I realized how much my past and current employers have abused my hard work. At my current job I run my milling row of machines better than anyone else, young or old. However once my supervisors saw this they are now forcing me to run 2 rows at a time (which is considerably harder) and they get upset when I call in to work, which is rarely. And i'm looking at other workers, who barely run 1 row without looking at their phones every 5 seconds, take extended breaks, and just call in whenever and they get paid more than me, despite me working TWICE the workload. And did I mention i'm only a temp too. While they are all fulltime employees with PTO.


The Burnout Society. How modern society constant push to be more productive, even in our “leisure time” is leading to burnout on a societal scale


they teach you war in school but not history of union organizing


Sad Stranger Kinda Broke My Heart Today

For context, the majority of my company is in the process of transitioning out of work from home and back to the office: I was in the break room this morning, trying to get water from a dispenser to no avail. Someone who works in my building, on my floor, but that I've never seen before just says, “Yeah; it's broken. Even if it wasn't, the filter is in the red.” He said to try another, but I told him that one wasn't working either. He just sighed. I said, “Geeze, you'd think with the state of this place there's been a pandemic going on for the past two years or something!” That got a little laugh out of him. Then he asked, “Hasn't it been three years?” I said, sometimes it feels like it, but nope. Then offered that the pandemic really messed with my ability to judge the…


I think 2 week notice it’s quite a lot, if you ask me.


The struggle is real.


Real wages declined 7 months in a row.