Month: April 2022
I live just outside of Dallas, Texas. A few years back, my oldest brother (A) and my older brother (B) and myself, went for a walk through some property that A had sold, close to where he owned a business. New condos were going up, something that B would find interesting, as he was a builder visiting from up north. B noted to us that all the structure was being done from scratch. Up north, to save on costs, a lot of things would be pre-assembled before getting to the job-site. “Labor must be incredibly cheap here in Texas.” Looking around, everyone was a darker skin-shade than us, and everything spoken, or labeled, was in Spanish. Both A and B are conservatives. Both were completely okay with undocumented migrants providing cheap labor. More importantly, they were completely okay with a company employing undocumented migrants providing cheap labor, even though it’s…
Looking for advice (Canada Ontario)
Hey guys long time lurker. This is quite long so I'm going to sum it up as best as possible. Recently someone close to me (M) was on a jobsite as something similar to security. M works hard and makes a little over minimum wage, even though workers that came after her make more. While they were standing underneath a building, there was a homeless woman or so who threw a buckets worth of their urine on them from above. M's uniform, phone, shoes, etc all got damaged and it was mentally traumatizing. The police shortly came and M said that they don't want to press charges for the homeless woman, just want help for her and the police released the woman. M was filling in for someone and the security company was a little slow to help her. The problem is now I would like for the company to…
I think I'm paid much better than my coworkers. I have reasons to believe that, and I don't want my equally talented and valuable coworkers to be accepting less than I know our company can pay. I've got 5 direct coworkers and we're all pretty friendly, but I want to be tactful about starting a salary chat with everyone. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to do this without drawing unfriendly attention from our directors and corporate executives? Context: I work for a very successful, privately held ecommerce company in a rather technical role. My salary is just north of six figures. We're not data or computer scientists, but our role is extremely hard to file and business critical. The company is on track for $500MM in revenue this year and could frankly pay everyone better.
I'm just fed up. My coworker, with whom I share a office applied for a position that makes him my boss. I think, that he is a complete miscast since he has a hard time to communicate properly, but I'm willing to give him a chance. We currently work on a project together, which is basically self running at this point and he's taking every tiny bit of work from it, so I'm left with absolut nothing to do at all. At the same time he has started to control me as my new boss, which is easy as we are still sharing the same office. I went to someone higher up, when my new boss is going to get his own office, but they informed me, that is not going to happen at all. At the same time I asked for something to do, but they informe me, that…
As the title says the boss/owner of the bar/restaurant I work at wasn’t happy when she saw a male member of staff arrive for his shift and was greeted with hugs from all the male and female staff. Boss stated “it doesn’t look good in front of customers especially older ones seeing 2 men hugging while eating”. Couldn’t believe it. Never had a complaint or a comment on it. We are an actual family at work, we all get shit on daily and work too many hours but it’s genuinely the greatest mix of people I’ve ever worked with and we appreciate each other. Am I wrong in being so pissed off about this?
It just amazes, astounds and sickens me
I am relatively new to anti-work, but there's mostly one common theme that I see from most of the daily posts. People would rather stay at the job/ career they currently have. So many posts ending in, “but now I have better hours/ benefits/ pay (or all three) “. And most posters admit there's issues at work, but they deal with it (knowing there's a higher paying or better position somewhere else). But it's only after a supervisor, manager, boss, lead did something monumentally shady or sus or stupid and tries to blame, renege, or otherwise cast dispersion/ take advantage of an employee do they then leave. And I have to wonder how many businesses, corporations or even mom & pops would be wildly successful if they only treated employees like people and not binary assets (good/bad). To be clear, I'm not assigning blame to those employees at all, but…