
Honest question: What are people doing when they leave (or decline) a job?

I ask because I have never felt “safe” enough to leave a job without another in place. So, what are these folks doing for money, rent, food, etc. when they just up and leave? Are there really that many more options than I am aware of? Thanks for the insight from this community.


My boss denied me sick time due to my chronic illness. I found a better job and gave her my notice.

So last week, I had to call in sick for two days because I had an endometriosis flare up so severe that I could not stand or walk. All I could do was lay on the couch while my heating pad worked overtime. I barely ate because I could not manage to (literally) crawl to the kitchen for food. I’d just lay there and cry because I was in so much pain. I let my boss know that I couldn’t come in for a second day and she said that it was unacceptable and that I had to be there no matter what. I’m a dental assistant, so my job is extremely physical. I told her firmly that I cannot work when I can’t even stand up. When I returned to the office at the end of the week, still extremely sore and limping, she would not speak to me.…


Anything to get the cheapest labor. (UK) Equal opportunities no matter your age.


*Some thoughts on capitalism* The Earth is 4.6 billion years old. Let’s scale that to 46 years. We(mankind) have been here for 4 hours. Our industrial revolution began 1 minute ago. In that ‘minute’, we have destroyed 50% of the world’s forests.


Wake up every morning and choose economic violence.

Thats what the wealthy did, and its the only way to take them down. Just ask circut city, HDDVD, Atrack tapes, and blockbuster.


Apparently I have to be as smart as Elon Musk to wear headphones at work, according to my boss. TLDR at end

lol. I recently started a new job after leaving a one where I was in a horrible situation. I found a new job working sales at a small business, and its okay. It has the typical bs that comes with a smaller business, but really sucks is they don’t have issuance. Anyway, my boss can be a little nitpicky. Also, he’s a father and it’s a smaller town and I know his niece so unfortunately he can also be condescending, so idk it’s like a weird dad thing because our families know each other. Anyway, i burnt myself out at my last job so I was trying to take this slow for the first week. Aka decide if I really want to put forth the effort here lol I decided to buckle in and brought my headphones so I could focus. It’s a little weird, but most of the time…


Being fired without being told you’re fired?

So, I work for an investor of sorts. He invests and partners with various people to build houses, storage units, and commercial buildings like dollar generals and such. He has a hand in a little bit of everything locally. I do just about everything. I do electrical (what my actual trade is), plumbing, flooring, roofing, landscape. You name it. Me and two other guys basically take an empty lot, and go from dirt work to completed building. We do everything. Last week I had a family emergency and had to leave work early. I sent him a message from my truck on the way home and he tells me that it's fine, he hopes everything works out and not to worry about it. Went to work yesterday, worked, normal day. I get a text from him later that evening saying that he doesn't really have any work coming up next…


You know what grinds my gears? Billionaires.

I need to put it somewhere because it's burning inside of me how dystopian our society is becoming and we accept it. I think a lot of people think billions and millions are close to each other. Here’s a little trivial question to understand the reality of it. In terms of time (hours, days, weeks, years) how much do you think is : a thousand seconds? a million seconds? a billion seconds? …………………………………….. 1000 seconds = 16,6 minutes 1,000,000 seconds = 11,6 days 1,000,000,000 seconds = 31,7 years If you won a thousand dollars everyday since you were born, it still would take you millions of years to get to billions. No one worked enough to own a billion. They are not self-made men, they exploited the workers and stole the profits. With this hoarded wealth, they fuck every sphere of the economy. We need laws that limit personal wealth…


Elizabeth Holmes – the epitome of what is wrong with the Ultrawealthy(spoilers for “The Dropout” anything else about her)

So I just finished watching The Droupout (spoilers ahead) based on the story of Elizabeth Holmes and the Theranos scandal. Summary: Girl (the show made her seem very intelligent but from actual accounts she seems mediocre at best. For example, She can’t even spell “banana”) drops out of college after freshman year. Raises 6 million from her parents and her parents wealthy friends to start a medical company and has no idea what she is doing. This Skinny, white, blue-eyed blond idiot then raises more money promoting America and FOMO (almost all her money Seems to be raised by her convincing Boomers that have already missed out (e.g. one missed out investing in yahoo) they’re missing out on the next big thing, using the snowball effect. Girl gets $25 million from her much older married boyfriend. Girl cons more people and becomes the first “self-made female billionaire” even though the…


How I was treated on my 90 day review made me late for work the next day

I was provided a form to “self evaluate” a week before the interview. I was honest in my answers. My concerns were addressed. I was treated like a human deserving of respect. I self-evaluated as “meeting expectations,” and my supervisor had me down as “exceeded expectations.” I got a raise, and while I would have preferred more, $25.50/hour at least leaves me with a little left over for savings every month. I was treated much better than I was accustomed to. As the day progressed I kept thinking back to my previous job, and how any critique or concern led to a stern “you be careful what you say to me” or “that is none of your concern,” and an excuse to mistreat employees and deny equipment requests. I got angry thinking about how I was bullied and mistreated for years. I was enraged that our culture protects sociopathic monsters…