
Someone I know began to look for employees to hire. They are not offering livable wages. Crazy how this is the reason he thinks he can not find anyone to work for them. Tell him your thoughts!




DAE feel delusional because no one seems to care?

The past few months has seen my anxiety and general disdain for the system skyrocket, especially since I’m again moving out into a place that is unaffordable but is the only option. Because of this I’ve been far more vocal and angry about how the systems works with my family and all their responses seem to be the same. “What can you do?” Or “Maybe you should see a therapist.” All the while everyone in my family is angry about the state of everything too but do all they can do ignore it and keep trotting along. Or maybe they don’t know where to direct their anger or know where it’s coming from. Even when there’s proof that the ruling class is clearly exploiting anyone who isn’t part of their club. EVERYONE knows things are shit but NOBODY knows who to direct their righteous anger at, and because everyone is…


I can’t thank you enough!!

I finally bit the bullet and decided to explore other opportunities and instead of an annual 3% raise I was able to find a new job that come with a 16% increase of wages!!! This was all motivated by this subreddit!!


A friend of mine back home who has owned her own business for years had a manager pass away recently. This is how you do it!


$38k in Austin? This is insultingly low. University of Texas should be ashamed of themselves.


Remember, Fellow Anti-Workers

There are no time off “requests,” only time off notices. You have a life, and you should never have to request to live it. If your employer asks you for assistance when you're on break, go clock back in first. Free labor is not an option. An employer is not your boss; they are the person you have a metaphorical contract with and nothing more. You work for them, and they pay you for it. They have no reign over you or your life, and vice versa. Life is short, and so is our tolerance for bullshit. Stand up for yourselves and hold your heads high. Unionized, we are strong. Never settle for less.


I can’t believe I use to have this stupid propaganda poster on my wall in high school. It seems like such BS now. It’s impossible to get this from simply “a higher education”


The Simpsons agree that Homer’s lifestyle isn’t possible now * Spoiler for ep aired May 22

In the Simpsons latest episode, Bart decides to be a nuclear technician when he grows up so that he too can have a house and live comfortably like Homer. Lisa among others point out to him that this is an impossible dream now. The episode was chock full of points direct from this sub and r/lostgeneration EDIT: Title is “Poorhouse Rock”


They have a point…