
my job invited everyone out for a staff lunch and we all had to pay for ourselves

Like what the fuck, I'm not greedy but staff lunch is supposed to be on the company not employees.if I knew I was paying I wouldn't have come in the first place,. Granted it wasn't that expensive buts it's the principal, fuck this church.sorry for formating I'm on mobile Edit it was one of the volunteers.staffs retirement lunch


Its those $6k phones! thanksimcured lmao




Just quit my job because my toxic boss reprimanded me for planning to be out of town on my day off when she announced a mandatory meeting with 4 days notice (after the schedule was made and I made my plans).

This was the last straw after tolerating passive aggressive, ableist, and transphobic remarks and retaliation for months.


What kind of a job application question is this? Do they want you NOT to work there?


Shouldn’t have told me idle time was tracked through the mouse and keyboard input.


Y’all encouraged me to stand my ground after a humiliating job interview


Biden is a Republican

We have no working class political party in this country. That is solidified as fact. Joe “nothing will fundamentally change” Biden couldn't even keep his promise. He couldn't even clear the nonexistent, floor-level bar of “nothing will fundamentally change.” He's a crooked, do-nothing career politician at the head of a party that has long abandoned the working class and ordinary people. Joe Biden's administration has accomplished absolutely nothing of substance. It has stood by and watched as our civil rights are stripped from us, our collective liberties are taken away, and our lives have become increasingly more difficult in almost every facet. It has REFUSED to use the power it has to do literally anything helpful. This dude just nominated an anti-abortion Republican judge to a federal judicial position. He just called for a filibuster carveout to codify Roe when he knows that democrats don't even have 50 senators right…


If I work for 10 hours a week, I can’t afford rent, but if I work for 40 hours a week, I still can’t afford rent.


Shut my Boomer parents down today

Boomer parents are in from out of town. We were driving around and we were talking about their friend who runs a plumbing business. They stated that work was crazy in their home state but their friend had a problem getting new employees/keeping employees. I asked why. Parent: Well all these new kids want more money and don't have the experience to earn that much Me: So if he can't afford to pay them it sounds like he's shitty at business. Parent: Well he can't afford to pay what all these big businesses are paying and offer the same benefits Me: If you can't pay your employees what they want/they are worth they will find somebody who will. Why would you work for less money? Parent: If he can't get employees he can't make his business work! Me: If he can't afford to pay people what they are worth and…