


Idea for things

Green Party??! US


Stretches application procedures with multiple interview rounds are HR’s last resort of meaning

Remember the days before computers and the internet? Back then HR was dealing with an meaningful task of keeping employee's files, sorting applications, posting jobs, writing job descriptions. Those days are gone since all their work can be done by computers with an insignificant amount of maintenance needed. All postings are done on the jnternet and applications could be automatically scanned. So what do you fall back to, when your value contribution vaporizes? You counter attack by artificially blowing up your importance through the introduction of bureaucracy, processes and redundancies. They make you jump through hoops, humiliate you with personality tests and fake job add pay ranges just because their whole existence in the corporate world is build on smoke and mirrors. GFY HR!


Can my employer find out about a second FT job?

Hello! Is it possible for my employer to find out about a second job from the irs or something? Might be a dumb question but I just don’t know. For background, I have the opportunity to get a remote work contract that pays double my current salary. Having a contract and maybe not getting hired on makes me nervous though, so I would like to keep my day job and work two full time jobs. My current job is pretty low maintenance and I can do it in about an hour a day and exceed expectations (refuse to work more when I am able to 2x the output of other employees in 1/8 the time). Anyway thanks!


How much can a new job find out about me from a previous job?

Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this is the right sub to ask this question, but I see a lot of helpful responses here often so I thought I'd give it a shot. I have worked at many different hotels before, and I haven't always departed beautifully. One instance I was promoted and given a dollar raise, so of course started doing the new “promoted work-load,” but was never ever paid that extra dollar. So I quit. Another instance I felt as though an AGM was trying to intimate me into picking up less hours, and I was suspiciously fired after speaking with my GM about it. Harassed at another hotel by someone in the maintenance department. I enjoy being a receptionist out of the other regular minimum wage jobs (restaurant, retail, etc.). I keep applying, and I scored an interview with another hotel. In the interview, the recruiter kept…


What life is like on Ontario Disability Supports Program


Manager threatens to fire team then calls their questions “funny”


Remote work is just inviting your boss into your life.

It's so much easier to be judged on time at a desk. The level of influence you give a boss multiplies when you're offsite, at least for FTE. Maybe they already had your home time.


Job making me depressed and empty and mentally exhausted

I started this job about a year ago, excelled in my position, far beyond my colleagues. I am not saying this to brag, just giving a bit of back story. Well since I was doing so good in the position I was hired for, abruptly one day I come into work and am told I am being moved to a new field of work within our company. Without giving much away here, this new field of work usually is filled by someone who has a degree and much experience in this field. It's not something that you would just know by using common sense. There's a lot of industry knowledge required in this field. So, there I am abruptly placed in this new position. Am told that I am being “rewarded” for my hard work. Since I've taken on this role, I recieved about two hours total of training by…


Watch the Moment that CEO of Delivery Startup Enjoy Fires Hundreds of People: The unceremonious Zoom meeting bookends a company that recently said it had ‘hope’ it could pay employees what they were owed.