
Can I be fired for not being good at my job?

I’ve been working with my company for 23 years but am now experiencing the restructure our department. I used to receive stellar job reviews but since the new duties were added and my primary duties reduced, I have not been able to live up to my past reviews. The new duties are things I am not very good with and were not a part of my job when I was hired. I've been trying so hard but my progress at doing certain tasks has not been easy. The job is unionized, btw.


Gig Worker – Working Conditions Feedback Poll

As a long-time rideshare driver, I’ve recognized ongoing issues that have a tendency to go unaddressed, or that are ignored entirely. So, I figured I’d create a poll regarding how drivers feel about these issues to gain a better understanding of how they affect typical working conditions on a shift. This 3-5 minute survey applies to any type of working driver and is completely anonymous. With enough responses, I plan to gauge common ongoing problems based on your feedback and present possible solutions to higher-ups that I’m in communication with at these various companies, in order to improve overall working conditions for all of us. Please take a moment to fill this out, your opinion and experience truly matter. I genuinely want to hear what you have to say! Also, feel free to share this poll with anyone else you know who works in this fast-moving gig economy! ​ Gig…


Boss denying me training opportunities because I said I want to move out of state.

So just like the title reads, my boss has denied me not once, but twice, when I asked for training opportunities. I work for a fairly large municipality in the engineering department as a tech. I draft projects for roadways and do most of the field work for the other engineers. I don't hate my job but I definitely don't get paid enough to do it. Well I've approached my boss in mid June about potential training opportunities that could further my career and help a little more around the office and was denied due to the fact that I expressed wanting to move out of the state saying “we aren't going to pay for this expensive class for someone who isn't going to be here for the long run”. I tried to be understanding about it so i brushed it off. I found a drafting class that was cheaper…


I helped book $275 million+ in revenue for my company the last few years and they won’t give me a raise – screw HR

I just need to rant and figured this would resonate with some of the members of this community. Firstly, I want to say that I realize I am very well compensated relative to most workers, and I don't take that for granted. I think everyone, and I mean everyone, should be demanding better compensation. I am appalled at how poorly people are paid in general and I hate how hard it is for people to negotiate appropriate wages for their work. I really like my job and my coworkers. Every boss I've had at this company has been great. Over the past couple of years, I've managed teams and been in the trenches fighting to win deals that have booked over $275 million of future billable revenue for my company (over the next 5 years). We've added impressive new logos (sales speak for impressive customers we're proud to name-drop). We've…


How should I go about Informing future co-worker of my pay?

I was just hired a little over 3 months ago at a company in the US. I am a white male who is liberal. My future co-worker is a woman. I want to inform her of my pay benefits (base salary, bonus, stocks) so she doesn’t possibly get hosed by the gender wage gap and because I believe it is the moral and ethical choice. How exactly can I go about accomplishing this? I’ve written up a short email explaining my stance and laid out my pay benefits. Is this how I should go about doing this? Thanks beforehand.


hitting up my old temp agencies again [first draft]


For what reason do people believe increasing minimum wage is bad for inflation, the economy, and so on?

My county just went from 12 to 12.5, which I know is not the lowest in the US (where I'm at). We actually have three different minimum wages in my state! (I earn minimum wage plus tips in food service.) I've heard people say increasing the minimum wage causes inflation, and that it kills jobs. Is this accurate, or is it just a way for bosses to justify paying me and similar people less? It seems to me: Increase the minimum wage, you give the lowest earners more buying power, and therefore stimulate the economy. Increase the minimum wage, and you increase the overall happiness of your workforce. Increase the minimum wage, and you get more people willing to work, as well as encouraging more long term employment from workers. On the other hand: Bosses have to pay more. Some employers will seek part time employees to not pay benefits.…


yeah boss, I have a hammock at work. and now show me where the hell my contract says I’m not allowed to.


I have 500$ how can I turn this into more money?


You are disposable to them. Just another resource they can get more of later if they change their mind.