
Are you obligated to know who is saying things about you at work?

Basically what the title says. I was accused of a few things at work and want to know if they are required to tell me who is spreading slander or if they are entitled anonymity.


There’s no work life balance today.

I work from 9 to 6 but commute an hour to my job so basically I leave my apartment at 7AM and arrive at 7PM. I have 3 hours to house chores, and cook food, shower, and then finally “relax” which is basically watching entertainment since I'm too exhausted to do anything else. And then there's the weekend. Honestly, living this type of life just doesn't make me enjoy anything anymore. I can't enjoy going out to the bar when I know I will never have enough money to retire, own a house, pursue my interests or find a partner. I honestly wish there was a little bit of French in Americans so we would riot over this unfair system that benefits the Owning Class.