
Do I quit my current job for a better paying job?

Australian here. I’ve been working at this company for 13 months now. Pay is minimal however the team is somewhat wonderful. I’m currently getting paid $26.25 AUD at 30 hours maximum a week. I’ve been offered two jobs 20 hours at $31 per hour (flexible hours- friend is the manager) 15 hours at $35 per hour (casual however my friend is the manager) I would like to accept both jobs however would I be an asshole for leaving the company one month before a ‘black out period’ (staff are not allowed to take leave during December) The pay I’m currently on is not survivable in the city I live in, I’m barely able to enjoy life after paying the bills and groceries. Pay rise is very unlikely. If I moved to full time I’d still get paid less than $28 I feel bad as the company has been wonderful to…


A Master’s Degree Required For An Internship. No Salary Info Given.


I just asked my boss for less hours and she went full DARVO and called me selfish.

I am honestly in shock. I have two bosses, “D” (who is 2nd ranked and essentially runs the school) and “B” (super-wealthy owner of the school who is rarely around). I am an ESL teacher. I explained in a meeting yesterday with “D” that my schedule changes between last year to this have made my work unmanageable. I am paid per class, not per hour, and they swapped all my low-effort solo tutoring sessions with massive groups that come with additional work– classroom management, making copies, checking and marking homework, marking essays, etc. Therefore, my working hours have increased 50%, though my pay has not. They promised me more online classes, and I have none. They promised to remove a long and torturous morning, and they did not. In fact, they added more to it. I confirmed with “D” that this was the result of every other teacher receiving concessions,…


Very grateful for my new coworker respecting out-of-work hours!

I’m a teacher who splits class hours with other teachers—we teach the same groups on different days—so we do have to coordinate outside of normal working hours. I’ve worked with many a teacher who will wait to text me with class summaries or requests for the next class at 23:00 the night before my classes… but my new coworker always sends me the information promptly and with explicit instructions to not respond until I have time to complete my part until next day’s working hours. I had gotten so used to ridiculous requests that I didn’t realize how bad it was!


New employer surprised me with a hair test drug screen

They told me it would be a urinalysis and then I checked the paperwork. Surprise, it's a hair test for an office job. The last time I used anything was delta 8 in mid July. Before that, it was basically nothing for like a year. Delta 8 is legal, but I don't know if that will even matter. It just seems really draconian for a desk job to have that extreme of a test. I now understand why they couldn't find anyone. I already left my other job too, so I'm strapped in for whatever happens.


I’m a professional photographer and I applied to a job to shoot properties. Their job ad stated that you didn’t need to have any experience, yet their application process requests niche skills in order to apply for the job. They clearly undervalue their employee’s skills.


This hospital doesn’t pay any taxes as is. If this isn’t an admission to not paying your employees a fair wage then I don’t know what it is.


Received news my friend killed himself. Clocked in less than an hour later. Also worked the day of the funeral (last pic are txts received at and on the way home from said funeral). Life is brutal.


help with a toxic work

So a bit of back story. I work in retail and I've been at my job for about 6 years and am currently a supervisor. I get paid very little, (less than 40p over minimum wage for alot of extra duties) which was fine at first because experience etc. I always thought I had a good relationship with the people at work BUT About a month ago I was on a week off, when i came back I was instantly told I'd never be promoted further (had spoke to my manager about it before my holiday) because someone else had been promoted to a supervisor as well. What didn't help is I was feeling abit off due to the holiday wrecking my sleep schedule and I was coming down with flu. I did vent a little to the other supervisor because I thought we were friends, mentioned the shit pay…


T-Mobile Abruptly Ends In-Store Repairs, Lays Everyone Off Via Zoom