
The end is near.


every day thoughts


Yeah, no

Given that we're doung the work, they're reaping the reward and would play nothing if they could…


Letter from Michelangelo to the Bishop of Cesena, begging him to resume payment of the workers of St. Peter’s after the death of Pope Paul III. After 3 months without receiving any payment for the construction of the dome, the entire team of engineers and workers threatened to leave [1616×1793]


Netherland based company tries to pull US tactics. Pays fine of 70,000 EUR

Here in socialist NL, such shit will not fly


Two questions about the “dirty jobs” and complex labor

Question 1: I know that Bob Black spoke a fair amount about “turning work into play” (which in hindsight is eerily similar to the “gamification” craze, but I digress), but how would the kinds of things that are highly unlikely to appeal to anyone but would remain necessary be dealt with (assuming that there are no sudden breakthroughs in automation that would make it unnecessary for humans to engage in it, which I doubt is likely to happen this century)? Specifically, this would be garbage disposal, toilet cleaning (or latrine pit emptying), work with corpses, and so on. Fourier mentioned the idea of having small children who have yet to develop an aversion to such things do those tasks, but that seems like it would both put the children at unnecessary risk and cause other issues like scattering garbage all over rather than throwing it away. The best option to…


I’m convinced that these people don’t live in the real world.

Phone interview, from a company that's in the red, and has been for a minute. I'm glad they rejected me and I should burn these people, but I think they'll do just fine doing it to themselves. We sensed animosity towards your last employer. So we don't want to hire you. Only someone happy with their current job would be applying to your bullshit.


Just 3 sucky work stories

I was thinking back earlier to a job I had several years ago which at the time didn’t seem to be that bad but in hindsight I’m stunned I stuck around as long as I did. I guess cause I was very young and felt helpless, and needed money (and for however shitty it was, it paid very well for a young person!) One year the weather was really bad and I was like 17 and travelling 1hr into the city on public transport then walking 40mins through a semi-rough part of town to get to the office. I worked customer care and the helpline opened til 8pm. Trains started being cancelled for weather and the management started to send people home. But not me because I was the only one on closing shift. Everyone left me alone in the office, while all public transport got shut down and it…


Tyson Fresh Meats. Unsafe work conditions that have already killed.

Hello Everyone, I am a maintenance worker for Tyson in Hillsdale IL. The working conditions are absolutely horrible in my department (Rendering). The Rendering Department has been neglected for so long that it is essentially a deathtrap. earlier in the year we had a maintenance worker die from these conditions. Tyson's response was to immediately cover up the cause of his death. His body wasn't even cold before they began spreading that he was a drug addict and overdosed at work which is completely untrue. If you want to read more about this there is a facebook group run by his family called Justice For Casen. Since Casens death nothing has changed to make the work environment safe. The cattle are treated with more respect than us workers, too many safety hazards to list, from machines with no guards to exposed live wires in every room, its only a matter…


Boss says racist comment to me

I’m a mid-20’s brown male. I was on a work trip and went to dinner with my boss and a business associate. After the dinner, my boss and I stayed at the restaurant to have a few drinks at the bar. I was just casually making conversation about music and dancing at clubs and he said something along the lines of how he likes dancing music but not “that N-word” music. But he said the entire word to my face. Boss is mid-60’s male. What would you do if that happened to you?