
My boss hired me to replace an old guy who doesn’t have a good performance

I hate so much this company, i get 2$ per hour, they put a camera behind me, etc etc etc. Now Im gonna wait until they fire the old guy and after that I will quit. What do you think about my plans


We’re living in dystopia


Opposite side of the barricades.

(Disclaimer: the post is not about supporting employers as forbidden by the rules but aims to provide you with another perspective to help you be more efficient when defending your rights). I am myself an owner at a startup. Recently we went thought a very complicated and painful stage when we almost run out of cash. First we had to cut my salary, than put managers on a “hungry diet”, then reduce bonuses and comp for employees. This was a decision which we negotiated and agreed with the entire team but, strictly speaking, it was against the contracts. Nevertheless, we survived and the profits we are making now are going to our employees in excess of their contractual pay to show our appreciation for their support. So I wanted to use this post to provide a little perspective on defending your rights as an employee. A lot of businesses are…


barred from work

Basicly in my state IN you can work a place as a dietitian for 6 months before you have to have your lisance. The rules did not change but no one will give me the time of day untill i pass my lisancure. They have told me this also, they want me to already have it. I understand but thats rather a lie to keep listing that as something people can do. I was higerd at a place only to be told a month later they dident actually want me to work there at all. I never withheld that i did not have my lisansure yet. Its like they never looked at any of my documents untill 3 days befor i was suposed to start. The most hilarious thing is that they expect me to come back to them when i do get my lisance.


I guess I can’t use my vacation hours.

I’ve worked with this company for a year and have been the top performer for the last 6 months. I’ve never been late or called out. I was told by my assistant manager that 6 of my vacation days would not roll over to next year and that it was too late to submit a request for November/December. Fortunately, I found out from a coworker that the system allows us to use vacation days if we call out. I submitted my call out request and got a notification that it was approved. I checked the schedule and it automatically posted and I thought I was in the clear. Well one of the managers somehow put me back on the schedule without notifying me. Now I’m not going to get paid and I’m going to be pointed in the system for a no-show. Not really sure how to best respond at…


break and shift timing

So I feel I've noticed a trend from some employers, they've started tacking on an extra half hour and justifying it as “that time is necessary to make up for lost time during unpaid meal break.” Is this acceptable? When did the “9-5” become the 9-5:30? Or 6-2:30 I've completed 8 hours, I'm entitled to the break why are we now “making up for it”?


How do people go 30-40 years doing the same things over and over again?

in return for: stagnant wages being talked down to being forced to speak and behave a certain way having little to no retirement funding having few opportunities for advancement getting little time off


[not oc] Shouldn’t have told me idle time was tracked through the mouse and keyboard input.


I’m in a living hell due to workplace bullying

I've been at my job since the summer and my manager has been a classic workplace bully. She's driven me nuts and ruined my confidence, it's been demoralising. She interrupted me, withheld vital information to them later use against me, negated everything I say, discriminated against my disability, lied, marked me down in probation for reporting bullying, humiliated me Infront of coworkers, called me slow Infront of people (I'm autistic) and even got physical a few weeks back. It's all come to a head and I reported her to HR but I've been told to be a good colleague because she's stressed. I'm trying to be a good colleague but this week she's been awful, pulling my practice up to other colleagues and creating a vile atmosphere. I'm so worried I'm going to get sacked because when the CEO is in she acts like the model manager, but when the…


The fast food place I work at recently had a new change in ownership. This is their first act as new owner. Honest thoughts? (More info in description)

I work in a chain restaurant and my manager told me that our location has been underperforming in sales and order accuracy for the past year so corporate bought out the previous owners share of the place and have a new, younger owner coming in to take over. The new owner scheduled a somewhat controversial mandatory paid meeting for every employee (35-40 people last I checked) and is providing breakfast for everyone. We normally open at 10am and do all of our prep stuff around the time the meeting is taking place which is where the controversy stems from. This meeting doesn’t seem like a big deal to me as I already work mornings around this time but a lot of my coworkers are super pissed off about having to go to this. I’d like to get some honest opinions and outside perspectives from you guys though. Is this a…