
What’s the difference between last-minute scheduling and being on-call?

I'm asking out of curiosity and frustration. I'm hourly in the United States, I work a pretty standard 9-5 job (with frequent mandatory overtime). I receive a generous number of paid vacation days with lots of flexibility, but I cannot schedule or expect to attend any events over the weekend. Literally, the scheduling software won't let me or a manager change weekend availability. I can't plan on attending a weekend funeral or wedding, and I absolutely can't schedule a vacation that spans over the weekend. I have to stay nearby and be in shape for work; I can't schedule a Saturday haircut, see a movie, or have a few drinks, I can't volunteer or make any sort of plans with friends. There are some laws to help protect people who are “on-call,” but not employees who… just don't know if they have work the next day or hour? How is…


Excuses for a day off work.

Some excuses I've used successfully for anyone in need of a mental health day. I stepped off the curb and twisted my ankle and I'm unable to put any weight on it. I have a flat tire. my car won't turn over, I think the battery is dead. In the winter, I am unable to get out of my driveway. My grandparent needs to me to drive her to their eye doctor appointment. Use these if you want to leave early, If you're a lady tell them you're having lady problems and need to go home. usually makes them uncomfortable enough not to question you. Spouse called and a pipe burst in my house. the school just called me to come pick up my child, they've thrown up or have head lice, ect. I have an incredible toothache and I've just gotta get out of here. be imaginative but realistic.


Office floor plan

What is your opinion on office layouts? I have worked in most floor plan configurations save for the “bullpen.” The open office is too noisy for my line of work. Home office is still my favorite, even though I am one of the fortunate few who get a private office in the office. My boss and his boss hate that I let my staff use my office when I am working remote (apparently they are not worthy?). I will probably be sent to the cube farm next time they need an office for a new manager/director/vp/etc.


Labour Shortage

Hi, I'm a university graduate with a small cleaning and handyman business. I've sort of checkout of my business just because its not alot of money and its all on me. I inquired about working in a plumbing company. They start at 17 bucks an hour. Now Im 37. I'm a decent handyman. But 17 bucks an hour for grueling physical work ? I mean – are you kidding ? Min. wage here is 14.50 an hour. If you want people to build your roads, provide you with electricity and water. If you want to attract hard working people to a job – you better start bumping up your salaries. You get what you pay for. I prefer working in a nice warm warehouse for min wage. At 17 bucks an hour, I'm already poor, so ya… At least I'll get the benefits of not breaking my body. Don't complain…


I was introducing myself to future Co-workers and one told me “I don’t care and I don’t care to know your name.” Great start!!


Talking about pay. I think it should be the norm.

So, at my job, I was hired as an entry level worker because, although I have plenty of GREAT work experience, I've never held the exact title of my position. I needed a remote job so I took it. I've been with this company for about 8 months and they have pushed me to learn a lot more than the people who started a week or two behind me. To note: they were highly understaffed when I hired on so they hired a lot of people at the same time. I learned quickly and their other employees were overwhelmed so they pushed me through FAST. I had to send an email to one of the girls who started after me (by a week or two) and realized she was hired on as a higher level worker (which means she makes more than me). She doesn't do even half the things…


No schedule, no breaks

Okay so, I just started work as a “Manager” at a beach store. I got roped into it by my father in law as it’s a store he helped open and a good friend of his that owns it. Now, it’s not that awful, decent pay and decent hours. The thing is, the guy has 1 employee, ME. Otherwise it’s him, his wife or one of his two teenage age kids that are working between two stores he owns. I never have a schedule, I don’t get any breaks which I won’t complain about too much but it does get annoying sometimes. My thing is, I was supposed to have a set schedule after the first month of working there. He hasn’t even attempted to hire anybody else, I’m starting to get fed up. I show up not knowing when I’m going to be off, don’t know if I’m working…


Email from a director

Background: employees are required to be in person. Everyone has to badge in and out of the building (this tracks when people arrive and leave the office). Arriving late or leaving early WILL get you in trouble with management. At about 4:50-4:55pm people line up at the exit, and as soon as it hits 5pm the flood exits all at once.


Never try to help your employer more than your job description


Landlords using software to collude on rent hikes: