
I figured this fit here nicely.

Long time viewer, first time poster. I thought this fit nicely here considering the high cost of pretty much everything these days with wages staying the same….


your mindtricks dont work on me


My boss demoted me

Without even telling me, my contract and pay remains the same and no one’s talking about this. Three people have been promoted and given the same title that I had (wtf), all of whom I trained and have been with the company less than a year. My boss does not know how to run a business and I’m sitting here, honestly just laughing.


I have an interview today for a server job. It’s been a while since I’ve interviewed. Any tips to avoid getting overworked, underpaid, and being used like a machine for hire instead of a human? I want to be more careful about where I work now

For context, I went to another interview last week for a hostess job. They offered me the job on the spot which is great. But yesterday I saw on the paperwork it said $16 per hour. I wrote on my application I wanted $25. The thing is, we didn't talk about pay during the interview either. I was so focused on selling my skills and work history as reasons why I'd be a great fit that when she asked me if I had any questions, I couldn't think of anything except the hours and how many shifts. The job was also listed as “competitive salary”. I would typically avoid jobs that say that but I really need some work. Any suggestions, tips, questions I should ask etc so that I get properly compensated for the work I'm doing without being taken advantage of, is appreciated! TIA


how many of yall live with your parents?

Before I turned 18 I was moved out, not due to my parents but because I needed freedom and what I thought would be better pay at a town about an hour away. My living situation is weird but my landlord is my significant others mom who lives in the same building upstairs. She's charging $300 for rent currently but ontop of that I buy groceries, do runs out of town, and at the end of the month, it rounds out to about $550….I lost over $1400 dollars living here somehow, between job searching and paying bills im getting low on funds and I've found myself (and my partner) having to move back in with my parents. I'm not too upset because it's just until the summer, and I dont have to pay rent which gives me a chance to save up. I having nothing against people making the decision…


America’s median wealth per capita ranks much lower than most Western European countries…and yet it takes more than twice as much as these to reach the 1% in terms of Net worth. Let’s keep working harder guys, it’s worth it !


Two of the largest supermarkets in America are merging – KTVZ


What’s the purpose of these? Lol


Bullying a hotel employee into having a mental breakdown


“motivational quote” on a board at work…