
Just got fired for a rule, but we have no handbook…

Hope this fits the rules…etc. Thanks! Got a job in the same office as my wife. The sales guy was leaving and talked me into taking the job. Find out afterwards that what he said the job was and what I found out the week after he left were different things. Wouldnt have taken the job if I knew. (had a great Night Audit job I loved, but the money was took good) So crap hit the fan, small shitstorm and I thought things cleared out after talking to the owner, (threatening a labor suit if he enforced something in a non-existent handbook, etc). Well month goes by and I think Im doing good. Today he fired me. Made a list of things that were not true. (being at home for times outside of normal – I have cams, I have proof. I wasnt there, not making sales, or them…


I’m burnt out. I’m tired of being verbally abused at work. Is there any jobs I can like for once?

My first job was at a retail clothing store back in 2016. I did retail for a few years and decided I was sick of it and then I went into the restaurant industry in 2019. Even though the pay was slightly better in restaurants I have been verbally abused everywhere I go by the general public. So much so that I don’t even feel like myself anymore. I used to be a people pleaser and I always saw the best in people but now every time I see someone walk into my store I can’t help but feeling a little scared. I’m now a pharmacy tech and I was expecting to like it more than my previous jobs but it’s just the same thing all over again. Constant phone ringing people yelling at me but at least my coworkers are really nice. I’m just so sad that everywhere I…


Comp time for hourly employees working holidays?

So here's the situation – hourly, non-exempt employee, asked by manager to work on company holiday to complete month-end work on time. Promised day off later to make up for not taking the holiday off. Question though – aren't hourly employees supposed to be paid double their hourly rate if they work on a holiday? If, instead, they're being offered a paid day off on a regular day, when they'd only be paid their regular rate if they were working that day, aren't they being under-compensated, by half, for working on the holiday? Shouldn't comp time for working on a holiday then be two days, not just one? Is this legal? In California if it matters.


Work Happy Hour

My work is hosting a happy hour tonight after work at 5 PM. My whole team is going, AITA for saying no and going home to watch the new Halloween movie?


Every Job I’ve Ever Had Has Drained The Life Out Of Me. How Do I Make It Stop?

I love what I do. I'm a medical office specialist and I handle way more than my job description. I literally keep the entire office afloat, nearly single handedly. We are an urgent care with a primary care office. I'm the senior lead and one thing I handle is the whole building's record requests. I also help the primary care office with their patients, insurance, and more. We are not treated the same, however. Primary care gets an hour break. We get 30 minutes. Yes, that's 30 minutes for an 8 hour shift. I check in their patients, but they don't do the same for us. I handle all their records. They don't do records at all. I also handle labs, CTs, USs, and X-ray. I also handle emergencies all the time and our volume is way more than theirs. The doctors on the primary care side aren't the nicest,…


IMO, if we truly lived in a world that embodies antiwork ideals, many of us (especially in the West) would have to change our consumption patterns

I think we could all have nice lives with many comforts, but we'd probably have to own fewer (but hopefully more durable) things. I think we'd still be able to eat out — but probably at more basic canteen style restaurants rather than very nice sit down places or a myriad of cheap delivery options. Something I worry about is that people in the West will adopt and advocate for “antiwork” ideals for ourselves while leaving out people in the global south, and some classes of workers in our own countries like farm workers and the many underpaid undocumented workers in the restaurant industry (US specific). The amount of resources we currently consume, and the ways which we consume them, absolutely contribute to the shitty work conditions most people face. I don't see how we could change working conditions on a large-scale level without also accepting that we'd have to…


800 Amazon workers in California are unionizing with Amazon Labor!

NEW: 800 Amazon workers in California are unionizing with @amazonlabor.— Daily Union Elections (@UnionElections) October 13, 2022


I guess this is a rant

Or more so a question. Why don't employers want to mess up their precious work schedule? I get that they have hrs of operation that they need to maintain and what not for public opinions, but what I don't get is why they aren't willing to work with more p/t workers. It seems everybody wants the 8-12hr workers, but I'm not built for that. My best hyper-focusing is at most 5hrs, later on in the evening. I've never been an early bird and I've joked around my whole life saying I'm more of a vampire than anything. I also have a bad stutter when I'm overwhelmed, so customer service anything is out. I use to cook, but now my tremors in my hands keep me from holding the knives safely. I feel like I'm running out of options at this point. Anyways, I know I'm not the only one with…


My job thinks 8am to 8pm makes a 10 hour shift.

I work on a passenger ship. We're contracted to work 10 hours per day 7 days per week. Previously we worked 7:30-5:30 with 1hr for lunch 12-1 which I would call 10 hours. This has just been changed to 8am to 8pm, with 1hr for lunch 12-1 and 1hr for dinner 5-6. Because of the food breaks (which I remind you are necessary for us to not die) the company now has us working 8am till 8pm 7 days a week. Also worth noting: I'm a cadet. My monthly cadet bursary works out to about $2 per hour at this number of hours. I also have to do paperwork for my cadetship in my own time, so to recap, work 8-8, bed at 00:00 by the latest so I can sleep 7 hours, this gives me 4 hours in the evening for rest, my homework, and any other tasks like…


Feeling great

Today I got to yell at a crazy person at work m, and no I won’t suffer consequences for doing so.