
Antiwork/I want to work

I have worked since I was 14 stuffing envelopes and ringing the bell for the Salvation Army in Colorado. (Freezing my butt off.) I’ve worked in the legal field as a “basic office bitch”, a legal assistant, worked doing EVERYTHING in a sole practitioner office, did arbitrations, worked in home building, for structural engineers, architects, etc and need a job. I’m older… 51. I don’t give a crap about office drama and never have. I do my job and go home. I worked in retail for a while when I stayed home to be there for my son who was suicidal. (Take that as you will but I can give you the background.) I worked for Home Depot for less than seven months before I was full-time then made a supervisor at eight months. I work my ass off, I live north of Ft. Worth and need a job. Please…


Philosophy Comedy Club, with Karl Marx – Existential Comics


Avarice and Age are not mutually exclusive.

I completely understand the notion of boomers being the figurehead poor managers and whatnot. However, that is not my entire experience. I’m a graduate of 2022, and I got a job at a gimmick restaurant in my home state after moving back here. And I wash dishes. It isn’t a glamorous job, and we carry the service of the restaurant on our shoulders with little to no help or thanks (other under appreciated staff like the servers tend to be the most forgiving and helpful of the lot, and there are certain kitchen staff that will stay late and help, but recently it’s been few and far between). In general, we work as hard as we can for hours straight and are more often than not the last lower level staff to leave. All that’s keeping higher ups there is to lock the restaurant down. A few days ago, though,…


You can’t get burned out if your internal monologue has no time to debate the existential quandary of labor.


Just got promoted from team member to a team lead in finance role. First meeting on Monday – what points should I stress?

I want them to know that their self worth isn't determined by job performance


Florida boss called Hurricane Ian a “nothing burger” — urged staff to keep working: reports


Our employees are dwindling.

My best guy left me 3 weeks ago, one of my other associates is looking for different work, another is considering leaving after becoming fed up with the lack of direction or planning. I, supposedly in charge – but not really – am also thinking of leaving. This could cause the entire company to collapse. If there's no guys to install the product, what's the point of selling the product?


Nuff’ Said


Do we like labor here?

I’m asking genuinely. I don’t wish to start drama and this will probably get removed anyways, but this sub is weird. I’ve heard a lot of people here say “we need to pay people living wage and reform working conditions” and others saying “we need to abolish work”. Does work reform ≠ antiwork ≠ anti-labor? I’m so confused.


tips being taken question

I understand if you DONT ALREADY make minimum wage, taking your tips that would even that out is illegal. But a local business has their employees making 10.00 and hour. Because the drawers are short due to the difficulties the boss is facing.. she makes them put their tips on the till. Sears had a similar policy but because they stated they did not allow tips and would take any and all they found out about. So is this illegal with it not being a company policy and employees are indeed allowed tips?