
It is meant to be against U.K. law to ask this question during recruitment/interview!


Is there any point in living if I’m wasting my life to a 9 to 5 that pays not even half the amount to be able to live on my own?


Job told me to come in on my day off or be fired

I am off tuesdays and Wednesdays meaning I’m off work today. I get a call from my boss and I wasn’t going to answer but I thought ehh I have a minute so I answered. It’s 3pm. He told me I have to come to training tomorrow at 10am. I reminded him that Wednesday is my day off so I can’t. He said why and I said I have plans but regardless it’s my day off. He said “well if you want to still work here you’ll come in” I am struggling to pay rent as it is I have $50 in my bank account so I said I would be there. I know y’all on this sub would have told him to fuck off and quit on the spot or something like that. And I wanted to do that. This is the end of a long list of how…


Life lesson from my Pops: Don’t do what he did

I'm nearly 40 and the hardest working person I've ever known is my dad. Born in the 50s, he got an Associates in engineering and wound up working in the trucking industry. Ma had healthy problems, him, the sole provider. He would work constantly because it was the only way to make ends meet. He was also a union steward, served on greivance boards and fought tooth and nail to protect his colleagues from corporate bullshizz. He worked tirelessly, to support his family and to protect his people. He didn't really take vacations, didn't spend frivolously and work was the way he viewed his value in the world. By the time he turned 60 in 2015, he was still putting in 70ish hours a week on the road. One week after that milestone, he was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. He fought 10 long months before he just couldn't keep…


Sometimes less is more.


Well that’s a shitty take…


what was he excepting?


CEO “inspiring” people before laying 7% of them off

“I am reminded in moments like this, of something Martin Luther King said, that 'the ultimate measure of a [leader] is not where [they] stand in the moments of comfort and convenience, but where [they] stand in times of challenge and controversy.'” “PagerDuty is a leader that stands behind its customers, its values, and our vision — for an equitable world where we transform critical work so all teams can delight their customers and build trust.”


What widgets can I sell on Amazon, so I don’t have to go back to the job market?

I've heard that companies will let you sell their merchandise on their behalf via Amazon. If I'm going to be able to do Party work, get ready for grad school grad school, and continue on with amateur academics, I need something to afloat me through. It'd be great to have a surplus to feed pack into DSA dues and strike funds. I especially can't take any more of being hyped up the negged, give m all in a job interview, ignored after 100 applications, or fragile bosses.


Hideous boss

Hey fellow redditor friends since when in 2023 America is your boss allowed to threaten and coerce you into working “mandatory overtime” in order to facilitate his incompetence as a manager ie: firing multiple people with no one to cover those spots ? Now he certainly isn't showing any willingness to cover any of this , but expects his inferiors (this is the way he treats his employees);to cover and further his lack of managerial ability.