
Part time wedding/event job wants to deduct $50 out of my first check for uniform, is that standard?

I did an interview recently and this part time gig wants me to deduct $50 out of my first check to pay for a company t-shirt, apron, and short sleeve dress shirt and I never heard of this, is that a common thing? Every place I’ve worked at gave a uniform for free or we gave it back at the end of our shift.


My Future is Making Me Suicidal


Boss tries to get child free employee to have early shift, take long lunch, and stay later to provide coverage for parent employees. On day 1.


What the heck do they teach those kids


3 days ago was my 10 year anniversary at my job. I’m struggling to pay bills. I asked my boss for a raise today and he said that there was pretty much nothing he could do to help me out. Glad to work for employers that want to take care of me…


Thoughts on this? I’m ready to quit. I’m in Idaho so I’m guessing it’s probably legal.


I just got fired on maternity leave

I've been on maternity leave since November, and i just got something in the mail saying that I have been fired for not showing up for work. I already have a better job lined up and everything u just can't believe the audacity of the woek place. I just got cleared to go back in 2/24, and now I have no job.


Im just not gonna come in the next day if I work overtime.

I get paid hourly, but I dont get paid overtime for the times I have to stay late to close. Whether its because of a late delivery that I have to stay almost 2 hours after to close up, or the day is just too busy to start closing up at a proper time i'm just not gonna come in the next day. I brought it up to the manager and they started talking about how “its what I signed up for” and “its nobody elses job” and “its not even that much work”. So from now on I just decided that if I stayed more than 30 minutes after closing, then I will just simply take the next day off. If they wanna fire me, so be it, Im planning on going back to school anyways and I've saved up enough for it. Since its “not much work” they…


Another Successful Month, Another Pizza Party


President of Rutgers University scoffs at faculty union. They’re protesting prioritizing football funding over cost of living adjustments. Strike seems imminent.