
Meanwhile, in France

after Macron unilaterally raised France's retirement age..




Came Home For Spring-break and Found This.. Intreating :0


Work began to look for reasons to fire me, after I had a stroke/seizure and found black mold in the apartment they housed us in.

So, disclaimer, never had a stroke or seizure my entire life. My wife and I moved into an apartment at the urging of our district manager saying he would promote my wife, to district manager in training, etc etc. so we took the move. We noticed that our health had slowly been declining but couldn’t figure out what, figured stress from work. One evening I was sitting (watching tv) and told my wife, I don’t feel right I need to lay down, I see everything on the tv but can’t distinguish what anything is, it’s all blobbed together. Promptly stood up, and had a seizure for 9 minutes(she was on the line with 911 the whole time) So when I finally came to, they asked ME if I want an ambulance ride , I kept saying no, too expensive, like, I had any idea wtf was going on. After this…


Drink cooler


US Worker Skip Day! FRIDAY 3/31/23!

Just call out sick. You know you want a three day weekend. Hell, you did a Senior Skip Day back in highschool so don't pretend like you don't know how. It's perfect. You could even pretend to quit and then go back on Monday and claim it was an April Fools joke. Why? Because fuck 'em that's why. Take one goddamn day for yourself and turn it into a three day weekend. Sleep in. Day drink. I don't care just don't go to work. Look, it's not a workers rebellion nor a strike but it's a damn start. It's something. So take back a day from those bastards anc use it for yourself. Do it.


Just found this community and thought y’all might appreciate the “”motivational”” wall decoration at my current position that’s dripping with “on the verge of a breakdown” energy


I get bad Tunnel Vision. Help?

Jobs often ask if you can multitask. I say I can, reluctantly. And it usually works out at that level. The part that screws me over is this fucked up hyper-focus I get. Idk if it's like ASD or what. I've always been relatively normal, but this is one thing I can't seem to hide. Ya see, when I'm working on something, I fixate on it a bit. And I actually tune out other things, save for what I need to pay attention to in my environment. Recently it's been getting kinda bad. I've been trying to educate myself on new subjects at home when I get off work. My parents are starting to demand my attention more as they get older. And maaaaan when I tell you I've been getting 🦀snappy🦀. But not overwhelmed and spiteful, like most young white men my age in my area. I just feel…


What is/has been your longest unemployment streak?

I've been unemployed for nearly two months now, stuck in the unemployment vortex. The unsolicited job search advice, being piss broke, the 45 minute hold times on the unemployment line. Ah, how I've missed unemployment, not that employment is much better. The longest I've ever been unemployed was from March 2020 to January 2021, living off the federal and state COVID unemployment compensation that was ripe at that time. What's the longest stint of unemployment you've had or are currently still having?


The “wisdom” of Bill Gates posted on my manager’s office