
Unpopular perspective

I'll preface by saying that in this environment, yes unions are a good thing. However, the mere fact that the above statement is true is a very sad thing. We should not need a large private corporate organization to advocate and negotiate good wages and safe working conditions for us. The government shouldn't be allowing these large for profit entities to be treating people like this to begin with. The government should be setting a living wage standard, mind you not a minimum wage, but a living wage. A wage set that if a single parent with dependants was paid they could live comfortably on it. A wage that allows family's to exist in this world outside of the 9-5. Imagine if companies were given tax write-offs for paying their workers above the living wage, thus pushing companies to pay higher wages to lower their tax bracket. No more of…


Funny sequel to my last post here.. (Vent)

I don’t even know where to start. I am so upset I don’t think I am going to even include how these events effect me but just give you some facts. I work at a dog kennel. Boss is on vacation. We have begun picking up traction at work as a holiday is approaching. Boss also went on vacation right before our Winter rush… I am the manager. Meaning I am THE only person “required” to come in during my time off. I am “off” this weekend. Two minors at the kennel. (Supposed to be 3 which is the original reason I was headed in anyways) Dog has a life threatening emergency. I have to drive an hour from where I am at. Cancel my plans for the day which include preparing for my wedding that is in 63 days. I am recovering from being out sick all week last…


The ‘great resignation’ didn’t happen in Australia, but the ‘great burnout’ did


Split weekends fucking suck.

Seriously! I need two consecutive days to be ok, otherwise i get off late and am exhausted, I spend the next day rushing to get errands and chores done and then I'm forced to go to bed super early to get up in time the next day. It doesn't help that I'm scheduled from before lunch to close every other day, or that I work the busiest days in a tourists heavy area at a restaurant. I just want to breath a little. I can't keep going if they don't give me a fucking break here and there, one day every three isn't enough. I can't think straight, everything feels rushed, my time isn't my own, and nothing on my own.time ever gets done. Im so sick of being a goddamn workhorse!! Fuck!!


How they’re handling staffing issues at the nursing home where my mother resides


Healthcare is tethered to work to keep you working.


Sundays scaries can’t hold on anymore PTSD

Hello, I’m always dreading Sundays it’s like a day that I be holding onto with dear life before Monday comes . I have a very depressing job I wouldn’t recommend this job to anyone unless you want to become depressed and drained . I feel sick like so sick job is causing a lot of unnecessary stress onto me and I want out so badly . The job market is not the best for some reason right now it’s like I’m at a point where I’m desperate for anything else but nothing seems to be working . I’m trying to hang on for dear life I’m so scared I’ll be stuck here for the rest of my life which I know I won’t be I’m drowning and idk anymore honestly sad life to live working a job you hate but everyone around you seems to love it or fake love…


“Employees” blame SVB failure on remote work


Massage corporate place vs disabled veteran

So, to start the story I initially asked my manager if I could file for reasonable accommodation under Ada for my Bipolar I disorder (which I was honorably medically discharged from the navy for). The manager told me it would hurt my chances of being promoted, so I shouldn’t file it. The promotion came and was awarded to another employee. That was about a month ago and I wish I had it in writing but it was in person. In February I was out of work for Covid, and have texts showing positive tests and my manager telling me not to come to work. I was told today the owner was considering firing me for those Covid absences, and I could either take a pay cut or an hours cut if I didn’t want to be fired. During my first massage I started having a panic attack from being told…


I am about to tell my boss they micromanage me. Any suggestions on wording it?

They won't take it well, but I don't care.