
Set Up For Termination Today

Been working at this place for like 5 months cooking for elderly folks. Showed up everyday, I was late a couple of times but no big deal and not a regular thing. However, no one told me leaving early even if I completed my work was a negative attendance mark. Got a write up for that which I’m pretty sure was just a way to be able to have a documentation of me doing something wrong. My boss treated me like shit everyday, talked shit about the employees to other employees, bragged about firing people, etc. You know scumbag boss shit, really fucking hated me though. (All this while listening to the Bible as an audiobook in his office lol). I put up with constant abuse from my other coworker who would cuss at me, throw things in front of me, push me out of the way, etc. Still showed…


why are workers working the same amount of hours even though productivity has greatly increased over the past 100 or so years?


Salary vs Hourly for Same Position

A coworker expressed interest to our VP for an open position which is a position I also hold. I’m salaried and she was offered the position but to remain hourly. I’m trying to figure out why they did not offer her a salaried position. Every one of these positions are actually salaried, all 150 of us. Why might this be?


Boss is throwing a company boat party on my last day but only I can’t go.

As the title says, my boss is hosting a boat party to signify a “renewal” in the company because a very important and not insignificant portion of the company quit (2 of 15, including me). Supposedly this was going to happen weeks later but “vacations came up so we had to move it up”. I don’t believe that because they could have pushed it back and my boss has it out for me. He has since I mentioned some of his inappropriate behavior to HR in private, in a meeting room. He constantly calls out my mistakes in front of people or on fucking Microsoft Teams for anyone to see. Now, this boat is no joke. It is a large fancy boat that you have to pay good money to reserve that just so happens to float right past my apartment. And this is happening on my last day at…


FDR seizes control of Montgomery Ward, Dec. 27, 1944


Biden made it harder for student-loan borrowers to get rid of debt when they go bankrupt


Job was listed as “Entry Level”


Stuck in cubicle 16 years… need out

I’ve been stuck in there for 16 years feels like a jail cell. Providing IT support for a university. It’s a decent pay good benefits and time off. But I’m so stuck on how to leave… I’ve wanted to for many years. Feels like golden handcuffs… how to I get out ???


american train company CSX made a “day in the life” of a driver video and features a man waking up at 2am for work and missing his child’s birthday


Sincerely waiting for the downfall of hustle culture!!