
Manager waiting until the very last second to respond to PTO request (still hasn’t responded)

On April 5th I requested to use PTO for June 1st and 2nd. I was told they cannot approve it now and have to wait until we are closer to the Memorial Day holiday. Even though the dates I requested are almost a week AFTER the actual holiday, they said that the whole week after is on “holiday hold”…okay. I’ll wait. I hadn’t heard anything so on 5/18 I sent a very friendly follow up email. Crickets, zero response of any kind. I sent another follow up on 5/24. No response again. My manager then messages me the next day apologizing stating she’s going to get back to me today on it. Well it’s the next day and still nothing. Do I have the right to be upset about this? It’s less than a week out but for traveling and planning purposes with my family this is causing me severe…


Jobs to big money without being a constant 9-5

What sort of jobs are out there, without requiring a degree, where you can make decent money off one project/job? Hubby got his contractor license and he is able to filter through what he wants to do and what he doesn't. He can do one job every few months and be solid. I admittedly don't love Real Estate agents, but living in a high property value town, I know they make a lot of money from one house. Work hard in the summer, selling a handful of homes but make over $150k/year. What other sort of jobs like this are available? Something to get short term licensing. Being chronically ill, I'm burned out on my 9-5. Can't save any money, just surviving. No time for hobbies, family, friends etc.


Imagine applying for hundreds of jobs over and over for years only to get this response


I’m a frustrated aspiring lab tech. Very few entry level jobs. Should I go get my Master‘s (only need 15 more credits because I completed a graduate certificate program), do an MLT program (would do MLS but can‘t because Anthro was my B.A.), or try to find those rare no experience needed positions?

So far, I live in a fairly large city with a growing Biotech sector and have found only 2-3 employers which offer truly no experience, entry-level lab tech jobs. The others require either a MLS, an MLT, or 2-5 years in the industry. Is job-shadowing something I could ask for to gain experience, perhaps? I just need that foot-in-the-door opportunity…


Company just hired outside supervisor with less experience and qualifications.

Very large rental apartment company. After encouraging my ex-husband to apply for the main supervisor position, after he has spent the year being the number 2 guy, company has gone outside and hired a guy with less qualifications less experience but they're paying that guy 20 more dollars an hour. Just in the last 3 months my ex-husband has stopped outside fires from becoming structure fires, has worked overtime and late, the company would not hire snow removal over the winter so he spent every single night this winter shoveling snow. And after telling him to apply for the position, and sending him an application link, they disappeared his application this morning and announce they'd hired this incompetent fella instead. My ex-husband is already looking for a different job and plans to leave here as soon as humanly possible, leaving them with one brand new guy who doesn't know anything,…


i quit my job and my boss scheduled me anyway, loses it when i ‘no show’

i worked in a kitchen washing dishes, i got offered a better job in the industry i wanted to work in so i gave my boss a written 2 weeks notice. he wasn't happy about it and asked if there was any compromise we could come to (part time instead of full time) i said i was open to talking about a compromise but i was pretty set on leaving. this conversation was pretty casual (talking on the move) and no conclusion was reached. fast forward two weeks to the day i clearly defined in writing as my last day. my boss has me scheduled for my usual 5 days the next week. i pack up my things and let my manager (boss isnt at work friday) know i wont be there for those days next week seeing as ive quit. i get an angry phone call monday morning 'where…


“We’Re NoT aSkInG fOr FrEe LaBoR”


Don’t put yourself in danger, ESPECIALLY for a company that refuses to pay you what you’re worth.


Paramedic Vs Fast food worker


Wow, just wow.