
The Downside of Remote Work: Blurring the Boundaries Between Work and Home?

I hear a lot of leftist commentary about the benefits of remote work, but what about how working from home ultimately makes these spheres less distinct in potentially harmful ways? How do you all feel about the rise of remote work and work-from-home discourse? Do you think remote work is overall beneficial, or do you think its net impact is to contribute to the further enmeshment of work with our identity and the continued encroachment of labor into the domestic and social spheres in harmful ways? ​


The Downside of Remote Work: Blurring the Boundaries Between Work and Home?

I hear a lot of leftist commentary about the benefits of remote work, but what about how working from home ultimately makes these spheres less distinct in potentially harmful ways? How do you all feel about the rise of remote work and work-from-home discourse? Do you think remote work is overall beneficial, or do you think its net impact is to contribute to the further enmeshment of work with our identity and the continued encroachment of labor into the domestic and social spheres in harmful ways? ​


Working to go home to do more work

It’s crazy that regular jobs expect you to be “on call” even though your job isn’t an “on call” job. Most companies or employers have ZERO idea what it means to actually have a day off. If I have to get on one more zoom meeting on my day off I’m going to rip my hair out. Then you get accused of “not caring about your job”, because you aren’t involved in all the group chats, meetings, etc. I’m sorry, if I wanted to have unnecessary-cocaine-happy energy for my workplace; I’d just do cocaine and not even work here. Plus you don’t get paid for doing work at home, because you’re not scheduled. But you do it anyway, because you can’t afford to be fired….


Working to go home to do more work

It’s crazy that regular jobs expect you to be “on call” even though your job isn’t an “on call” job. Most companies or employers have ZERO idea what it means to actually have a day off. If I have to get on one more zoom meeting on my day off I’m going to rip my hair out. Then you get accused of “not caring about your job”, because you aren’t involved in all the group chats, meetings, etc. I’m sorry, if I wanted to have unnecessary-cocaine-happy energy for my workplace; I’d just do cocaine and not even work here. Plus you don’t get paid for doing work at home, because you’re not scheduled. But you do it anyway, because you can’t afford to be fired….


Working to go home to do more work

It’s crazy that regular jobs expect you to be “on call” even though your job isn’t an “on call” job. Most companies or employers have ZERO idea what it means to actually have a day off. If I have to get on one more zoom meeting on my day off I’m going to rip my hair out. Then you get accused of “not caring about your job”, because you aren’t involved in all the group chats, meetings, etc. I’m sorry, if I wanted to have unnecessary-cocaine-happy energy for my workplace; I’d just do cocaine and not even work here. Plus you don’t get paid for doing work at home, because you’re not scheduled. But you do it anyway, because you can’t afford to be fired….


My boss just laid me off while I am on vacation a day before my birthday.

She’s going on a spiritual trip to China next week and wanted to let me know before she left. Honestly the company is in trouble, so I saw this coming, but damn.. What she doesn’t know is that she’s been paying me for a full time job that takes maybe five hours per week. I also picked up a second full time job several months ago since I had so much free time that she also doesn’t know about ¯_(ツ)_/¯


I’d love to propose a game. Respond to this post like you’re responding to the post you saw immediately before this one.

NSFW for solidarity with the mods


Vox: Small tech companies are staying remote to attract workers, while Big Tech goes back to the office


Anyone heard of Storagedrop LTD?

Got a text from a recruiter for storagedrop LTD, it’s a data entry level position from home. I did the interview and now they’re telling me they’re going to send me a check to setup my home office….kinda sounds too good to be true. Should I send my info or keep looking?


Seen this on the McDonald’s food bag